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Deadly swine flu virus in Mexico

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thanks Andi thats made me feel a lot better. we fly in about 3 weeks and hopefully things should be better by then. glad to hear you are still having a lovely time.



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I just found this bit of info for all the Riviera Maya-Cancun girls--


Authorities in Quintana Roo have released a preventative alert and the airport is taking precautionary measures, apparently screening arriving passengers with a questionaire. Cancun hospitals and pharmacies are reporting nothing out of the ordinary and the people of Cancun and Quintana Roo remain calm and currently unaffected by the virus.


I found this on A Canuck in Cancun: Swine Flu in Mexico- Saturday Cancun Update

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Originally Posted by Andi View Post
Hey Everyone,

I hope i can settle you guys a bit.

We are in PV right now for our honeymoon and have been here since last wednesday with all of our guests so I am hoping to provide a different perspective on this.

yes, I know I am on my honeymoon on BDW wink.gif but in my defense, DH is snoring next to me now and I drank a huge cup of coffee for some reason right before bed so I can't sleep at the moment.

ANYWAY...all this news started breaking on our wedding day and we were (including all of our guests) pretty much oblivious to it all going on. It wasn't until Saturday that I caught wind of it when one of our guest's MIL left a FRANTIC phone message for them at the hotel in a total panic (her MIL was at home in the US). so bit by SLOW bit we have been getting informed of what is going on, the SLOW bit part is only because we honestly were not freaked out about it all.
So that was it for hearing about it Saturday...Sunday morning (as about 1/2 of our guests were getting ready to depart...I heard someone mention that Obama had just issued his warning or what not. Again though...NOBODY, not our guests, not other hotel guests...NOBODY has been freaking about it...everyone down here has been carrying with their vacay's as normal (again from what I can tell). So sunday mid morning, DH and I turned on CNN and watched some coverage on it...I told DH that I was not going to worry about it because well we are here already and there isjust no need to freak. So we watched the news and listened to the symptoms (to keep an eye out for them) and the precautions that we should be taking and after about 5 minutes of that we went to the pool...ALL AS NORMAL!

Honestly we only had just this one guest tell us (and all of our other guests about it) and really it was NO BIG DEAL. now mind you we are at an all inclusive nice hotel as are most of our guests, they really didn't leave (except for the wedding) to go into to town or anything, but my parents and aunts did go to downtown PV and I didn't hear any reports back of anything crazy relating to this going on.

So like I said now 1/2 of our guests are gone, most will be leaving Mexico today and we will be here until Friday. None of our guests have had any freakouts about it...and if they did DH and I were prepared to calm them.

Also for PV brides, I did just find this posted from yesterday
No Cases of Swine Flu Reported in Jalisco - Update
so this is good news too. DH and I did visit the beachtown of Bucerias yesterday and some shops were closed but I am 99% sure that was due to the fact that it was Sunday at 5 or 6pm...we did not see anything in that town where people seemed to be stressing there either...that including the locals.

Ok, I am being long winded...but basically we are in Mexico right now with this massive outbreak and really just not freaked (including our guests...they are all more worried about cervezas and margaritas! wink.gif ). we will be now more cautious and wash our hands a TON more...i have been carrying sanitizer in my beach bag anyway! We may not eat some meats and be cautious with that stuff too. We have been SUPER busy with wedding stuff since we arrived and today actually starts our real honeymoon...so we will carry on as honeymooners and should something happen we will cross that bridge when and IF it does.

Again...I think others have said it on here too...it is spreading and already in the US and Canada so IMO you can get this virus really anywhere at this point!
Thanks SOOOOOOOOOO much for this post!! I'm going to email it to my FI because he's getting worried (and I'm not, strangely enough!)
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**Sigh** I am so sick and tired of the news and all of the Drama!! First it was with the crime and now this!!

I don't want to put my guests in danger, however...I can only explain so much that everything will be ok.


All I can hope is that by the time June comes, Everything will have died down with this stupid Virus!! UGHHHHH

It makes me so made when they start saying, "Don't travel to Mexico" I know it's only a matter of time before I get panicky e-mails.

Dr. Oz was on GMA this AM and he said they should know more about the Virus in a week or so..Like if it's really Serious & Severe or if it will just fizzle out.

I am hoping it Fizzles and Fast!!!

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My TA is currently on the Riviera Maya on a trip visiting resorts... she does not even MENTION it.


My parents took their flight to Mexico from Paris this morning. No problem.


Hoestly girls, it's just the flu. People die from the flu every year, much more that the small number of people that sdied from the swine flu.


Take necessary precautions - wash your hands often, consult a doctor if you have flu symptoms - but that's it.


I leave tomorrow and I'm not cancelling anything. If my guests chose not to come, it's their choice, I'm not going to try and convince them, nothing. If DH and I are in Cancun tomorrow at 3pm, we'll get married on Saturday, no matter who's there who's not.


Cancelling for a freak-out that journalist looooove and spread as they looooove to do it ? No way. I don't have TV at home and only read news on paper - and believe me there's no panic on the paper... less sensational media...

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Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 View Post
**Sigh** I am so sick and tired of the news and all of the Drama!! First it was with the crime and now this!!
I don't want to put my guests in danger, however...I can only explain so much that everything will be ok.

All I can hope is that by the time June comes, Everything will have died down with this stupid Virus!! UGHHHHH
It makes me so made when they start saying, "Don't travel to Mexico" I know it's only a matter of time before I get panicky e-mails.
Dr. Oz was on GMA this AM and he said they should know more about the Virus in a week or so..Like if it's really Serious & Severe or if it will just fizzle out.
I am hoping it Fizzles and Fast!!!

DOUBLE SIGH!! I couldn't agree with you more. I'm just trying to remind myself that it's completely out of my control and there's nothing I can about it (besides take extra precaution when we travel).
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Originally Posted by Ayita View Post
My TA is currently on the Riviera Maya on a trip visiting resorts... she does not even MENTION it.

My parents took their flight to Mexico from Paris this morning. No problem.

Hoestly girls, it's just the flu. People die from the flu every year, much more that the small number of people that sdied from the swine flu.

Take necessary precautions - wash your hands often, consult a doctor if you have flu symptoms - but that's it.

I leave tomorrow and I'm not cancelling anything. If my guests chose not to come, it's their choice, I'm not going to try and convince them, nothing. If DH and I are in Cancun tomorrow at 3pm, we'll get married on Saturday, no matter who's there who's not.

Cancelling for a freak-out that journalist looooove and spread as they looooove to do it ? No way. I don't have TV at home and only read news on paper - and believe me there's no panic on the paper... less sensational media...

Ayita-You are doing the right thing!! I would feel the exact same way if I were you. Good luck with everything and congrats-your wedding is so soon! smile03.gif
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I'm trying to stay positive and calm about the whole thing although I've already had calls/texts from a few of my guests panicking already! sigh, I think that is the thing that upsets me more than the news itself. I'm trying to hold it together as it is as I very recently lost my mum and Dad within 4 months of each other. So as you can imagine I'm just thinking what else now?!! I'm really praying this whole thing Fizzles out by June as phillybride says ( Hi, by the way we're date twins!) I've had it... Ok rant over, wishing everyone all the best

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We leave on Saturday and my whole family is freaking out and asking if we can go somewhere else!!!! I was actually considering making some phone calls to see if maybe we chnage to Dreams in Punta Cana or something. I can't believ i have to think about this a week before my wedding!!! supposedly the govt is going to be making a statement- if they say we can't travel to MX i guess i'll have to think of somthing, but until then i'll just sit tight and see what happens.


And i was doing so good with not stressing about anything!! JEEZ!!

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