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Customs in Mexico : an effort to gather the info in one thread !

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Thanks for all the advice here. I originally thought to ship all of my OOT stuff but after reading some scary stories from other brides of their stuff not making it so now I plan to carry on. I want to understand...what's the deal with the $300 limit? Everyone is saying keep things around or under $300...is there a specific reason for that? Or just to avoid paying a duty tax on things?? What if some of my receipts have amounts higher than $300? (I ordered lots of things all at once and had a couple of large orders...)

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Originally Posted by Jess3414 View Post
Thanks for all the advice here. I originally thought to ship all of my OOT stuff but after reading some scary stories from other brides of their stuff not making it so now I plan to carry on. I want to understand...what's the deal with the $300 limit? Everyone is saying keep things around or under $300...is there a specific reason for that? Or just to avoid paying a duty tax on things?? What if some of my receipts have amounts higher than $300? (I ordered lots of things all at once and had a couple of large orders...)
When I got my Mexican customs form it says goods you bring in must be under $300 excluding certain things like laptops, iPod players etc. Basically just keep it under $300 to be safe. Like it was said, just make some fake receipts if you total over $300 and just make the prices a lot lower than you paid for them. Split them up if you have to amongst people you are going with. A program like MS word or excel will easily do this for you. It's really not that hard.
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What do you do if you are not traveling with others. we are in Denver and everyone else is flying into Mexico from OH and TX... are we just S.O.L?


Also if items need to be under $300, is this per item or total items? I know that I will have over $300 in just clothes if it's per item... Also what about your dresshuh.gif I bet the majority on this site spent more than $300 for their dress...


Sorry I have so many questions but what about bringing your cake serving set. Since you have a knife will that raise any red flags in customs? Wondering if anyone is just using resort cake serving set or if bringing own....

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If you use the search function on this site or even google 'mexico $300 customs' you will find answers


Here is the official website




Personal Items Exemption

Pasajeros - Which items may be included in my personal luggage exempt from duty? - SAT México


Which items may be included in my personal luggage exempt from duty?


  1. Goods for personal use, such as clothing, footwear and personal toiletries and beauty products, as long as they are appropriate for the duration of the trip, including wedding party items.
  2. Two photographic cameras or video recorders, 12 rolls of film or videocassettes; photographic material; two cellular telephones or radio phones; a portatil typewriter; an electronic calendar; a portable computer (laptop), notebook, omnibook or similar items; a copier or portable printer; a portable projector, and their accessories.
  3. Two sports equipment, four rods, three speedboats with or without sails and their accessories, trophies or recognitions, provided that they can be transported normally and commonly by the passenger, one stair climber and bicycle
  4. A portable radio for the recording or reproduction of sound or mixed tapes; or a digital sound reproducer or portable reproducer of compact discs and a portable reproducer of DVD’s, such as a pair of portable speakers, and their accessories.
  5. Five laser disks, 10 DVD disks, 30 compact disks (CD) or magnetic tapes (audiocassettes), for the reproduction of sound and five storage devices or memory cards for any electronic equipments.
  6. Books, magazines and printed documents.
  7. Five toys, —included those that are collectible— and a video game console and videogames.
  8. One device that permits measurement of arterial pressure and one for glucose, as well as medications of personal use; in the case of psychotropics the medical prescription should be shown.
  9. One set of binoculars and a telescope.
  10. Valises, trunks and suitcases necessary for the movement of goods.
  11. Passengers over 18 years of age, may introduce a maximum of up to 20 packs of cigarettes, 25 cigars or 200 grams of tobacco and up to three liters of alcoholic beverages, and six liters of wine; in excess of the above, cannot be imported without complying with applicable regulations and restrictions.
  12. Baby travel accesories, such as strollers and baby-walkers
  13. Two musical instruments and its accessories.
  14. A camping tent and camping equipment, as well as their accessories.
  15. Handicapped or old travelers may introduce items for personal use, useful to have a better performance of their activities, such as walkers, wheelchairs, crutches and canes.
  16. A set of tools including its case, it might have a hand drill, wire cutters, wrenches, dices, screwdrivers, current cables, among others.
  17. Beddings, that will be able to include a set of matching sheets and pillowcases, a set of towels, a set of bath, a set of table linen and a set of kitchen.
  18. Up to two dogs or cats, maybe introduced as well as their accesories, provided that the corresponding zoosanitary import certificate issued by (SAGARPA) is presented to the customs officials.
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