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Any Brides Wearing Their Glasses?

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I just brought back an old thread of mine about this ... it's a little further down on the page here ... but yeah, I've come to the decision that I WILL wear my glasses because it's ME. I wear them everyday and this is how FI knows me. So instead of being a completely different girl on the big day, he'll be able to look at me and see the woman he's woken up next to for the past 9 years (well, with a bit more makeup hehehe).

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I didn't wear mine, but I never do. I actually don't think that I've ever seen anyone wear glasses for their wedding, but I also don't think there is anything wrong with wearing them! You have really cute glasses that look nice, so if you would feel more like "you" wearing them, then I totally think that you should. If you wanted some pics without them, you could always wear your contacts for the ceremony and take them out for the reception. But I'd do what you feel most comfortable with and who cares what other people day.

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Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda View Post
I just brought back an old thread of mine about this ... it's a little further down on the page here ... but yeah, I've come to the decision that I WILL wear my glasses because it's ME. I wear them everyday and this is how FI knows me. So instead of being a completely different girl on the big day, he'll be able to look at me and see the woman he's woken up next to for the past 9 years (well, with a bit more makeup hehehe).
Great response Miranda.

I agree you need to look and feel comfortable as YOU on YOUR wedding day. I dont wear glasses but my FI has worn them everyday for the last 9 years I have known him, i'd be gutted if he took them off just for the wedding cos he looks like a totally different guy without them.

Just treat your decision to wearing your glasses the same way as your decisions regarding your dress, hair, make-up etc. Do whats right for you, what you feel comfortable and confident with and no doubt you will look stunning.

Some things to keep in mind are when testing eye make up do it with your glasses on (if you decide you're wearing them on the day) to get the full (true) effect. It may be worth mentioning this if someone else is doing your make-up on the day just in case they assume you're not going to keep them on.

And also remember how glasses sometimes flare in photos. Ask your photographer to look out for this and the best ways to avoid it are to tip your glasses (or your chin) down slighty so the flash isnt hitting the lens straight on.

Good luck with your decision.

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Originally Posted by SgtPepperette View Post
So I never thought twice about wearing my glasses until someone asked me. LOL

They said, you should so do contacts. I barely ever wear my contacts.....so wondered if anyone else wore their glasses? Or are?
My friend's have asked me the same thing but i think i'm wearing mine..like someone on here said i's me, but who's knows what i might do
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I wear glasses every day (never wear contacts), but I'm not planning to wear them during the wedding, although I agree it should be what you feel most comfortable in.


Here are some cute pics I found in a google search for brides in glasses. Enjoy!


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