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April is turning out to be a really sad month...


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Well, my mom just called and it looks like we'll be putting my cat "Question" to sleep. The vet says there are some tests we can do to find out what exactly is wrong and depending on what it is there are treatment options but he's 16 years old and it doesn't make sense to prolong his life just because I'm selfish and don't want him to die. So if he doesn't start eating then we'll take him in. If he were younger maybe but not at this point.


I've known this was going to happen for a while but having it hit right now is awful because my grandfather passed away on the 8th. And I'm in no way even close to dealing with that.


And I'm thinking to myself-what else can possibly go wrong this month?


Sorry to be depressing I just needed to vent.

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I am so sorry...about your grandfather and your pet. I am dreading the day I have to lose either. My grandparents are getting older & it's pretty much a given that I will out live them. And my pup is only a year old, but I can't think about ever loosing him. I read & watched Marley & me an coudl barely get through with all the sobbing.

Loosing anyone you love is hard. Just be strong & you will get through...eventually. Know that all your BDW friends are thinking about you...and are here anytime you need to vent!

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I'm sorry Vikki, It's hard to lose a grandparent and then a couple weeks later lose a pet that (most times) feels like a child. I'll keep you in my thoughts.


April has been such a gloomy rainy month anyways it doesn't help to be in a sad mood. What you need is a fun ladies weekend. Go shopping, get dressed up, and hit the town with your favorite gals. I know that always helps me when I'm in a sad down mood sad.gif

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Thank you guys for the support!




Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
I am so sorry...about your grandfather and your pet. I am dreading the day I have to lose either. My grandparents are getting older & it's pretty much a given that I will out live them.
I don't know if you've done this or not but I had the honor of being able to interview my grandfather last year and make an audio recording. I bought a professional mic (about $80) and hooked it up to my laptop so I would have a high quality recording. You could use a little tape recorder, whatever.


I had a list of questions about his life, his family, his profession, ect that I asked. It lasted just over 45 minutes. After the funeral my mom and her sisters and I listened to that recording-they didn't even know it existed. He shared wonderful stories with me about each of them and other experiences they didn't know about. I will always cherish that recording and I was able to bring happy tears and smiles to my mom and her sisters at a really difficult time.


Just a thought to pass on.

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Oh Vikki I'm so so sorry to hear about your cat and your grandfather.

I know both are absolutely heatbreaking.

Hang in there honey! And remember April showers bring May flowers so hopefully things will be looking up for you soon!


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Vikki I'm so sorry! I lost my grandfather and had to put my dog to sleep within months of each other several years ago and it was heartbreaking so I can relate! Just remember to cry it out when you need to and lean on the people who love you, eventually you will be able to smile and remember all the good times, even though at time it feels like the hurting will never stop.





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