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***TTD (Trash the Dress) Thread - please post all of your questions here!

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Originally Posted by Andi View Post
Totally did the same thing and LOVED IT! I can't imagine not using my real dress, and like you Aimee what else was I going to do with it?!

Mine did not get so trashed though, it came out actually cleaner than it was after the reception! mmm and I hate to admit this but I still haven't taken it to the dry cleaners...yes almost a year later! I just have been too afraid that they will destroy it, haha, kind of ironic I think that right? It is fine though, just in the garmet bag in the closet...maybe I should make it my goal to actually get it dry cleaned before my 1 year anniv!

Now though when I look at wedding and TTD pics I get overly excited when I see that a bride used her actual dress for her TTD! It is weird I know, but in my opinion if you are going to do a TTD you might as well use your real dress!

BTW Aimee, I loved your photos! wink.gif
I want to use my real dress, but I'm so scared it will get ruined. WHat type of material was your dress?
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Originally Posted by ali0284 View Post
I want to use my real dress, but I'm so scared it will get ruined. WHat type of material was your dress?
mine was beaded! haha here is a pic of how dirty it really got...one quick jump in the pool and it was clean. granted it is now not perfectly white but oh well i had no plans to sell it after the wedding and/or wear it again. so for me it served its purpose.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have some concerns about doing a TTD session in my dress because we have an at home reception 3 weeks later, but most brides seem to indicate that their dresses came out okay afterwards. I may check out David's for a cheapy dress for the TTD. I'll see how my budget is closer to the wedding...

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Originally Posted by Island Bride View Post
I have a chiffon dress so I believe I will be ok. My real question is, all you ladies that have already done your TTD, which time of the day would you recommend to be best? Only thing i've ever read was brides getting up bright and early in the morning for it.
We did ours from about 3pm-sunset. I think early morning for sunrise or later for sunset are the best times

Originally Posted by dianep View Post
still trying to convince FI that a TTD is a good idea. not sure i'll be able to warm him up to the idea. but i have lists of nearby cenotes in case i can talk him into doing it!
if you want to do it, you should convey that to him. it really is a once in a lifetime sort of opportunity...I think if you really want to do it and you don't you might regret it later. I think I posted on this thread already that my DH was semi against it too but i talked so much about it before hand that he knew I really had my heart set on it...so he went along with it to make me happy wink.gif and in the end he admits...it was fun and our TTD pics are some of our favs out of all our pics!

Originally Posted by lovelytlc View Post
i am falling in love with the cenote pics... I was definitely planning to do a ttd, but I love the cenote also. has anyone done cenote pics in DR. thats where im getting married? I looks like most people do them in mexico
hmm does the DR have cenotes? I thought they were only in mexico on the cancun side? but i could be wrong...I would say if there is a cenote in the DR, go for it!
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I don't believe DR has centoes... but I could be wrong.


As for timing, the most recent TTD on my blog was done at sunrise (5:45 am)... and it was cold. However the sun rises over the water in RM, not sets. So that made a difference.

There is another TTD on my blog that is from noon.

I perfer TTD to be around 4pm. Less hot, less crowded, less tired!


You can really do them whenever you want, it just depends on your schedule, how long you have your photographer booked, and what look you're going for (morning sunrise pictures, bright color daylight pictures, golden sunlight afternoon pictures).

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