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1001 Cranes- Anyone else folding these for thier wedding??

Erika J

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I am marrying and amazing a half Hawaiian boy, with that comes some Hawaiian tradition (well that is what my FMIL keeps telling me).


Anyhow, as with major life events we ( ah hem...I ) am folding 1001 origami cranes.



Tradition goes as such:

In Japanese, Chinese and Korean tradition, cranes stand for peace and long life. In Japan, the crane is known as “the bird of happiness” and is often referred to as “Honorable Lord Crane”. Folded white paper origami cranes are often placed at memorial parks to symbolize peace. As symbols of longevity, they are often shown in works of art with other symbols of long life such as pine trees, tortoises, stones and bamboo. The Japanese have traditionally given 1000 folded paper cranes in a rainbow of colors (known as "senbazuru") to ill people to wish them a quick recovery. Cranes are also associated with fidelity because they pair for life and are devoted to their partners in all seasons. Both male and female cranes work together to build their nest and care for their young. Additionally, cranes are associated with good fortune and prosperity so they are often painted with the sun, which is a symbol of social ambition. In Asia, it is commonly said that folding 1000 paper origami cranes makes a wish come true.


In Hawaii, the tradition of folding origami cranes for special occasions has continued and evolved over the last several decades to include an additional crane, presumably for good luck. Now, the 1001 cranes are used primarily to commemorate happy occasions, like weddings and birthdays, in the form of a collage-based work of art that serves as a beautiful memento of important life events. In typical island fashion over the ensuing years, this custom incorporated the Chinese culture’s preference for the use of gold to represent prosperity, as the color of choice for the cranes used in weddings. Over the last several years, however, use of other colors such as silver and red has increased and is now widely accepted as a suitable alternative to the more traditional gold cranes. Elegantly crafted origami crane designs perpetually commemorate special occasions with a personal touch that captures the beauty and memories of the event. No Hawaiian wedding is truly complete without a customized origami crane design.

Anyways we plan on having ours arranged into a persimmon flower after thier family farm in Maui.


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Anyhow is anyone else doing or done this tradition and want to share theirshuh.gif


Here is my inspiration pic, FI's cousin in Maui will make it. Evans mom will hand deliver the cranes to Maui in June.



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Erika - I think it's so lovely that you're doing this. When I read this post, I was reminded of the book "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" (touching and sad book btw *sniff sniff*). I just wanted to say that I think this is a really sweet idea and I think it will turn out great. Please take some pics for us! :)

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Kathy-- OF course I am a BDW girl so it is inherent that I am obsessed with pics. :)


Plus after spending 84958340538490540 hours folding these damn things I will want to show them off. he he he.


Anyhow. when we got engaged it was auto I got 1001 pieces of origami paper. EVERYONE in thier fam does this. Crazy. I have totally new appreciation for it.

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Hehe, of course! Silly me! wink.gif Can't wait to see the pics!! You must have the patience of a saint, I would not be able to sit there and fold 1001 of these things. Which is why I guess I didn't do any DIY for my wedding, I get frustrated or bored easily with my little projects and then give up half way through lol.

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Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis View Post
I'm writing a special wish on the 1000th crane
Ohh, I love this idea. I have not heard of it before.

How many do you have done? I have like lust under 200 left. I try to do 10-15 a night a few times a week.
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