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Feeling bummed


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I don't know if it's hormonal, or what? My wedding is almost a month away - I should be happy, right? I am on my period. Maybe that's it...


But also, I am sad because my MOH sent out the invites to my Bridal Shower too late and lots of people say they already have plans sad.gif I should've known, she is notorious for being late. I tried to stay on her without nagging... didn't work... sad.gif And today my BM is just now getting the Evite out for my bach party, but she only sent it to me and my MOH!? Uhhhmmm, kayyyyyy... hope you are planning on adding the rest of the people (who I emailed you their addresses weeks ago, grrr). I emailed her and txted her about this. I hate being like a nag or seem ungrateful, but it makes me sad to think a lot of people will miss both my shower and bach parties because the invites were sent out too late (my shower is this Sunday and the bach party the following Saturday). *Even my FBIL (BM) got his shit together and started working on Martin's bach. party like 2 weeks ago!* How can the boys be so ahead of us girls?? cheesy.gif


Ok, I guess that's why I am bummed... I tried to rely on my friends and i feel like they didn't feel it was very important to get these things out in enough time for people to plan appropriately. Some of these people who can't go I am really gonna miss because they're also not able to attend the wedding...




I'll get over it... I know it's not that big of a deal, but when you go out of your way to be SUCH an accommodating bride and then you feel like people take you for granted it just hurts your feelings - KWIM?


My WC even had to tell me a month or so ago, "Jaime - has anyone told you yet that you're the BRIDE?!?!". Sadly, not really... My Engagement started off so early (2 years prior) that no one wanted to talk about it then. Then time flew by and BOOM it was the 3 month countdown (and I had a HUGE meltdown that day because I really felt like no one around me cared much and I also felt so lost as to what to do - some of you may remember said meltdown LOL). I understand everyone has their own lives but like I said I've gone out of my way to do things for them, help them, keep the schedule moving... and just haven't felt like I've gotten much back in return, and these are my "closest friends" (I'm even having to provide the own wine for my shower).


K, I probably sound like a big crybaby! hissyfit.gif Maybe AF will leave soon and I'll start feeling better...


Until then, grabbing a glass of wine and feeling sorry for myself - shots.gif

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You are the bride girl! Grab an extra glass and invite your moh over and share how you're feeling. I bet she didn't realize this was bugging you and maybe together you can figure out a way to make you feel better about it. It sounds like you have some expectations and maybe she doesn't realize it and has no idea.


I hope you feel better in a few days-I tend to go through the same thing around that time too. It sucks. I love your use of that emoticon... shots.gif That's how I feel some days....

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Well, I've already emailed MOH a few times regarding the concern over the invites. She finally got them out last week I think (so people got them about 11-12 days in advance)... My Grandma is throwing me a Bridal Luncheon a week from Wednesday and she got her invites out a week before my MOH. MOH just says she's swamped with work, etc. I had lunch with my sis last week and she totally felt bad for me and offered to help, so I told MOH that sis would totally help her - I even offered to help her! I mean, I didn't want to plan my own shower, but would have rather helped than had them sent out so late...


I've been communicating here and there without trying to sounds like a huge b!tch. *sigh* I really don't like confrontation though and didn't feel more than that was warranted at the time... and don't think it would help the situation any more now... ugh sad.gif


Sadly hindsight is 20/20. Would probably have had family members more involved if I knew it would be such trouble for them to handle these things (which both offered to do, btw!)

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I'm sorry Jaime! If your friends are on facebook, can your MOH make an "Event" for either party there and get rsvps online? You could even offer to set it all up...


It's okay to just let your feelings out - better than building up until you explode with sadness or stress!

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AHHHHH!!!! My BM who is handling the bach party just txted me back saying she was waiting to get the email list from my MOH. WTF ~ I sent her the email list last Sunday April 12th!!! Gosh, I am SO frustrated but do not know how to express myself without coming across as a bitch. I have already expressed to her also that I'm concerned about ppl not getting the invites in time

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are these girls married? my guess is no. honestly i think a lot of people have NO CLUE about weddings and what happens until they get married. i know i personally had no idea!


i know you feel let down, but have a glass of wine and take it for what it is. i'm sure they care about you a ton, and it's sad but some people just aren't good at planning these kinds of things. so maybe they need your help but don't want to ask?


also, at the end of the day, when you're at LC and you and martin are married this will all just be a little blip on the road to one of the most wonderful days in your life.


hang in there!! and we're always here to listen!

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Awe, Jaime, I am so sorry that your girls aren't staying on top of things for you! It's painful when others don't step back and see how they may be making another feel. I've been sort of in your shoes...the good ones get put on the backburner and it's not right! It's made me wish I was pushy and outgoing enough to be bridezilla, but that's not me and I know I would feel stupid! If I was there, even though my own wedding is coming up quickly, I'd have helped organize all this for you!! And the invitations would have been sent out long ago! Again, Jaime, I'm really sorry that things aren't going to be what you want. They should be, they really should! I hope other things start falling in to place for you soon! *Lots of Hugs*

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I am really sorry about that Jaime. Sounds like your friends are acting really selfish. I know it is a weird situation since they are throwing the party for you and you don't want to come off rude, but maybe you should say something like...This is really important to me and I just want everyone to have time to arrange to come. Everything will workout, don't worry! Hang in there....wink.gif

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