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I'm only doing one bag per couple $10, and for the singles its about $7. We've got about 88 people coming so far (and still 9 months out), budgeted roughly $500 total. 


Here are pictures of what we have so far, but we are planning to add Lip chap, ring pops, and condoms (hehe):


The bag is a bit roughed up, because I keep opening it and looking at the stuff then stapling it shut again... 



As for giving them out, I think we are going to bring everything in a suitcase (or 2) in their individual packages, and then spend an hour with the wedding party sorting them into bags and taping them shut. Nor sure when we will give them out, with 88 guests we will probably only have everyone in one spot at the wedding night, and then I don't want people to have to drag them around... not sure! 



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It's too early to know for sure, but I think we will have around 70 guests, and I'll do one bag per family/couple/single.  I'm sewing my own bags, and only have enough material for 36 of them.  If we end up needing more than that, I'll probably do something like soft sided coolers for the single guys (my bags are beach bags, and probably a bit on the girly side).  Getting off topic - sorry.  My bags will end up being about $15-$20 each if I don't do Bubba tumblers, and about $25 each (assuming it's for a couple) if I do add those.  I'm fine with the cost of the Bubba tumblers, but I'm less fine with having to either pay a fortune to ship them ahead of time, or having to lug them with us.  So hard to decide!

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Originally Posted by agm04 View Post


It's too early to know for sure, but I think we will have around 70 guests, and I'll do one bag per family/couple/single.  I'm sewing my own bags, and only have enough material for 36 of them.  If we end up needing more than that, I'll probably do something like soft sided coolers for the single guys (my bags are beach bags, and probably a bit on the girly side).  Getting off topic - sorry.  My bags will end up being about $15-$20 each if I don't do Bubba tumblers, and about $25 each (assuming it's for a couple) if I do add those.  I'm fine with the cost of the Bubba tumblers, but I'm less fine with having to either pay a fortune to ship them ahead of time, or having to lug them with us.  So hard to decide!

I know, it's really hard to decide that. We are lucking out and staying at the airport hotel the night before and about half of our guests are staying as well, so I will be able to give the people staying theirs at least. However, we will still need to bring half with us as I have liquids and stuff included and wouldn't be able to go through security with them. So we have decided to just pay for another suitcase and have all of our extra decor and bags in that. Going to be a pain but oh well

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Originally Posted by mthackeray View Post


I know, it's really hard to decide that. We are lucking out and staying at the airport hotel the night before and about half of our guests are staying as well, so I will be able to give the people staying theirs at least. However, we will still need to bring half with us as I have liquids and stuff included and wouldn't be able to go through security with them. So we have decided to just pay for another suitcase and have all of our extra decor and bags in that. Going to be a pain but oh well

I wouldn't mind doing that, but 70 bubba tumblers alone will be 50 lbs and take up at least one huge suitcase.  We live in NYC so just getting them to the airport in a cab will be a challenge with all our other luggage.  I do have some friends who offered to help, and I may take them up on that!

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I'm planning on bringing 5 extra suitcases (blush) 

I've had some guests volunteer to bring it as their second suitcase, so only a $25 charge for each suitcase. I plan on leaving the suitcases in Jamaica so that I don't have to bring them back with me. For lots of the stuff I could have it packed already and then drop off with a guest long in advance so that they can deal with bringing it to the airport and everything. That may work for you too if you've got some generous guests :)

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Originally Posted by jreist View Post


I'm planning on bringing 5 extra suitcases (blush) 

I've had some guests volunteer to bring it as their second suitcase, so only a $25 charge for each suitcase. I plan on leaving the suitcases in Jamaica so that I don't have to bring them back with me. For lots of the stuff I could have it packed already and then drop off with a guest long in advance so that they can deal with bringing it to the airport and everything. That may work for you too if you've got some generous guests :)

Yeah I will probably end up bringing some extra and letting my family and a couple of close friends help!  FI is just in the "I'm willing to pay extra to get it out of the way in advance" camp, so I'm trying to balance that.  It seems ridiculous to pay hundreds of dollars even if it does make the actual trip a little easier!  Especially if people are willing to help!

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