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A Rant about Travel

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My travel agent told me there is nothing that can be done. She states she would have to cancel all my bookings and then rebook everything and with cancellation fees, etc, she states that there would be little to no savings, so I am out $900 and Dreams is offering $200 resort credits now which I cannot get. This really sucks, but nothing I can do about it. Thanks for listening girls and I hope this info helps someone else in the future.

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So sorry to hear that your TA can't do anything productive about this! I would say it might not hurt yet to try contacting the airline you're using. Some might work with you. It may be just a credit for other flights, but hey, that could be better than nothing! It really is a bummer that the prices dropped that much on you!

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So sorry to hear that your TA can't do anything productive about this! I would say it might not hurt yet to try contacting the airline you're using. Some might work with you. It may be just a credit for other flights, but hey, that could be better than nothing! It really is a bummer that the prices dropped that much on you!

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