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Beach Reception Vs. Seagrape Reception- RIU Ocho Rios

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Hi Gang,


Sorry if this seems like a silly question, but I've been reading reviews and posts now for months-yet I'm still confused...lol


I've read lots about both a beach reception....and then receptions at The SeaGrape....it's a bar right? For some reason-I was thinking it's like an open air bar? And maybe included in the beach party......Or is it the disco bar? Something seperate altogether?


Can someone help me finally understand.


I'm trying to decide what to do after dinner....party on a beach with a bonnfire maybe? Or go to the Seagrape ......that is if it's an actual close in bar/dosco...lol...any other suggestions? I think we're just doing the simple dinner at Mammee Bay Steak Restaurant.

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The SeaGrape is used for the beach reception. It closes at night so you would be paying per person to keep it open for your private party. This is usually where all of the beach receptions are held, although I have read here and there that people have had theirs at the beach gazebo as well as on the beach down towards the far end, but there are no bars there, so they have to bring a table over and set up a bar.


You can also have your reception poolside, which also has a bar, and which you have to pay to keep open.


Originally Posted by Marie View Post
Hi Gang,


Sorry if this seems like a silly question, but I've been reading reviews and posts now for months-yet I'm still confused...lol


I've read lots about both a beach reception....and then receptions at The SeaGrape....it's a bar right? For some reason-I was thinking it's like an open air bar? And maybe included in the beach party......Or is it the disco bar? Something seperate altogether?


Can someone help me finally understand.


I'm trying to decide what to do after dinner....party on a beach with a bonnfire maybe? Or go to the Seagrape ......that is if it's an actual close in bar/dosco...lol...any other suggestions? I think we're just doing the simple dinner at Mammee Bay Steak Restaurant.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a bit confused about what to do for our reception also. We are having the semi-private dinner at Mammee Bay, and then I have booked the private beach reception which apparently is held at Seagrape. I've seen pictures of it in other threads, but I'm just not sure if this is the best option. I would switch to private poolside reception, but this has already been booked and I'm not crazy about the disco for a smaller group - we will be a group of 20 people. Will this work for the Seagrape? Where is the bonfire held if you choose to have one? I would want to have some decorations at the reception site but it's basically just an open air bar? I'm so torn about this, maybe I should try to request the private beach gazebo reception instead? But again, will this work with only 20 people? If anyone has any comments to share or pictures of the Seagrape decorated I would love to hear/see them because this reception thing is stressing me out!!!


Everyone here seems to have such great ideas, thanks so much for sharing them - you have made me think of things that never would have occurred to me on my own! BDW is a godsend!!!! You ladies rock :)

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I think this link would help with your bonfire questions. About the 3rd or 4th post down contains a link to a review of a wedding that had a bonfire.




I don't think that the number of guests matters as far as choosing which site to use. You could do either and I think it would be great with 20 people.


Seagrape is an open air bar and from what past brides have said, you can decorate it.


Hope this helps!

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Hey--we chose to have our reception at the seagrape afterall! And I actually have it booked for May 6th 2010.....I was nervous someone else would get to it before me, haha..parnanoid much?? lol


Deep down, I knew thats what I wanted.....I mean really, Im going all the way down to Jamaica to get married on the beach, why not have the reception on the beach too? Ive seen lots of pics, you can decorate your own way--I think they'll put table cloths over a few tables on the beach, Ill bring down some candles, few centre pieces for the tables, and they bring down any flower arrangements that you have also.....I think we're going to take down a banner too that says "Congrats Mr & Mrs....." and hang that outside...something fun--plus lets people know its a private party....we'll do our first dance there, throwing the boquet etc etc....gonna pass on the fire I think.......Anyways, for me, it was just the fact of taking of your shoes, and dancing and hanging in the sand, and having your own private bar right there on spot! Im way too excited for osmething 11 months away!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hey Kristyne....Im wondering the same thing with the beach reception. Im wondering if I should be buying some decor type things before I go.....and put them in my luggage...like candles, n stuff..........Im wondering the same thing about the tables for the meal actually..

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