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Originally Posted by Jenamie View Post
I just read Emily Giffin Something borrowed, something blue, and baby proof
not my normal type but really good thanks :)

I'm going to have to relook at everyones faves hehe
I'm gonna have to pick these up after the one I'm reading now. My Sister's Keeper...
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I really like Penny Vincenzi. Her latest book An Absolute Scandal was pretty good, but she has a series that follows generations of a family in publishing in England that I ADORED. They are No Angel, Something Dangerous and Into Temptation. Also LOVED Sheer Abandon.


These books are always among the beach reads in the book store, I definately reccommend checking them out!


Finished Something Borrowed in a day. As a female lawyer who works in the MetLife building (like Rachel) who is also engaged, it definately was a book I can identify with. Hoping to finish Something Blue today or tomorrow!

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I just recently finished the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. I was embarrassed to read it because of the book cover- I looked like a complete dork but the books were entertaining. I wasn't really into this type of literature, but my love for Twilight caused me to read The Sookie Stackhouse series (in which the show True Blood is based). I loved those so much and read them so quickly I found the Mercy Thompson series was very similiar. So if you like Twilight and the Sookie series, you will most likely enjoy Mercy Thompson series as well. Blood Bound is the first. Just ignore the cover! :)


I have to concur that My Sister's Keeper is an awesome book! I couldn't put it down and sobbed my way through it. I love all Jodi Picoult books though. I love the twist she puts on the story by telling it from multiple points of view. Just like life.


I wish I would have been more patient with Time Traveler's Wife. I think I read like 30 pages and I got bored. I always have books on deck so I was anxious to get to the next. Maybe I should retry since so many of you love it.

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Rachel - I am about 2/3 of the way through The Time Traveller's Wife and I'm having a hard time putting it down. Give it a try again, I think it's super interesting. I love the back and forth of the different times and I love how the story is told by the 2 main characters.

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I have to concur that My Sister's Keeper is an awesome book! I couldn't put it down and sobbed my way through it. I love all Jodi Picoult books though. I love the twist she puts on the story by telling it from multiple points of view. Just like life..
I totally agree, I love how she writes it from all their perspectives. It's such a good read. Don't think it'll take me much longer to finish it!
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