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Hello All! I just started reading a book that my soon to be Uncle gave us as an engagement gift...The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. At first, I wasn't sure about reading it, because it seems like a self help book,and my fiance and I have a great relationship...but as I started reading it, it really makes you think about your relationshiop...I'd recommend it :-)


Oh, and yes, I LOVE the twilight series as well!

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I'm trying to find a new fantasy author, so if anyone has any recommendations...


I like to read fantasy, chick-lit (only the funny stuff, not the tear jerkers), historical fiction and Stephen King.


Fav Authors - Stephen King, Diana Gabaldon, Terry Goodkind, Sophie Kinsella, Marion Keyes, Maeve Binchy, J.K. Rowling, Anne Rice's old stuff. The Twilight series was pretty good and I really liked Stephanie Meyers' - The Host.

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Originally Posted by lisaloo79 View Post
I was wondering how the Host was. Glad to hear that it's good. I'll probably pick it up once it's in paperback.
i've been wanting to read that one too! i've been on the library waiting list for a while now, and i'm still only number 190! lol, i guess i'll have to wait another month or so.

are any of you members on goodreads.com? it's kind of like facebook or netflix for books. facebook because you can have friends and see their updates, netflix because you rate books. it's my new addiction. :)
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