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Anyone else have this problem?


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So it was time to make our wedding invitations this past weekend. My mom and I had made plans to print and put everything together. I thought it would be fun to ask my aunt and her 2 daughters (whom I'm really close to) to come and help, so they can get excited and participate in the wedding. Well we had to print everything up, and as I was doing that, I was bringing the printed invites out to them. Well, in the end, all I got to do was print them out. I didn't even get to put the RSVP's, stamps, seal the envelopes and all that other stuff. I was so disapointed in the whole project as I didn't get to do too much, other than print.


Am I just being silly or did anyone else have this sort of experience? I sorta feel like I missed out on making the invites! sad.gif I know that I should be greatful for the help, and I am, but still...maybe I'm being a baby about it! lol

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LOL! I think you're lucky!!! I hate doing stuff like that so I would love if everyone else took over! I don't think you're being baby.....I see what you're saying. I think I would be happy though that they were so into it!! That's got to make you feel good! Do you have any DIY projects coming up? If you do maybe you can delegate things to people and make sure that you're looking after something more hands on?

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Originally Posted by Nikki07 View Post
LOL! I think you're lucky!!! I hate doing stuff like that so I would love if everyone else took over! I don't think you're being baby.....I see what you're saying. I think I would be happy though that they were so into it!! That's got to make you feel good! Do you have any DIY projects coming up? If you do maybe you can delegate things to people and make sure that you're looking after something more hands on?
LOL I wish that I had your problem! I love doing crafty stuff, so that's probably why I'm feeling this way. I think I'll just have to make sure to do it myself next time! lol
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Well I'd tell you that you can do mine to help fill the void but I'm not even doing formal invites!!! LOL..... I know, I'm a horrible person. So even though you're down about missing out, maybe you at least got a good laugh at how pathedic I am. And if you did....my job is done!!

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Hahah, I would have been the same as you! I am such a control freak about certain things and didn't ask/want anyone's help at all throughout the whole planning process. I LOVE assembling things - I used to go help my mom stuff envelopes as a kid for fun - so I hear you on wanting to put the seals on and stamps....


But, I'm glad you're over it cause you will have sooo much more you can do from now to the wedding to help you move on!

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