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NEED HELP ! Only 19 days to go and looking for a plan B ! LONG SORRY

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MarieSam and Purrfected : thank you SO much this is so helpful !!! And thanks everybody for your words of comfort. The good thing out of this, I'm losing those last recalcitrant pounds ! 4 in one week who says better...


Yes we are not talking of a lot of guests here, we're only 33 including 2 kids...


DH is going to call the hotel again this morning but frankly given how this has been going on for days now, I doubt this will go well. Well as you say MarieSam, it might ! Specially if we tell them they are compromising everything and we're looking for something else. But between what they say and what they do, I now know there is a gap... For sure they will charge me with insane prices on all the sides not in the contract and will serve us reduced portions (hell they are already talking of 7 appetizers for the whole cocktail which is... one every 20 minutes... !!!!!) smile27.gif


So I will actively look into all this. Hopefully my WC can help. The hardest will be to find something still free on my date... which is the week-end just before 5 de Mayo !

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Wow Ayita! That is awful, I can't believe they are doing this to you. Did you sign the contract? You say you haven't seen it, but presumably you've seen something? Worst case, find a friend who is a lawyer and have them place a call. You can't be held to a contract you haven't signed.


I wish I had some advice for plan B, but it looks like MarieSam has that covered.


Good luck! Keep us posted and don't cry any more! I have my fingers crossed that it will all work out.

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
Wow Ayita! That is awful, I can't believe they are doing this to you. Did you sign the contract? You say you haven't seen it, but presumably you've seen something? Worst case, find a friend who is a lawyer and have them place a call. You can't be held to a contract you haven't signed.

I wish I had some advice for plan B, but it looks like MarieSam has that covered.

Good luck! Keep us posted and don't cry any more! I have my fingers crossed that it will all work out.
As I'm saying, no I did not sign a contract they did not send any. This is why I'm considering moving the whole thing. I only signed a commitment letter and gave them 1,500$... This is the only thing I will lose (and some tranquillitity and also maybe they will not change the sheets of my bed ! wink.gif )
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Wow Ayita--I am saddened to hear of this-what a shame! However, it restores my faith when I see such support from all the beautiful,kind and supportive girls from BDW,always at the ready with kind words and a ton of resources. Everything will work out and you MUST write a follow-up to let us know how everything went!

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Two good news : My planner thinks she can find a plan B AND we received the contract... just because we told them that if we did not receive it we go somewhere else !


The bad news : the contract is as I expected full of S***. Their last find : change the post-dinner open bar of 10$ per person per hour to 10$ per drink after dinner...


We are still going to try and make this work, make them sign a contract with all our changes... and if not it will be plan B ! I'm done crying now I'm determined ! I'm a soldier in war ! Yeah !

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OK a quick update here !


So we managed to sort out things with the hotel. They sent a contract that i did not like, I made a lot of changes and they accepted almost all of them. The things that are not in there any longer are minor to me and I did not want to fight on them. Well, rather, DH did not want to fight on them wink.gif - he was much more reasonnable than me in this and I think it helped a lot because I was out of my normal state - they made me freak out so hard !


My WC had a plan B available so it helped me staying firm with what I wanted. In the end, the only issues remaining as i said were minor, apart from my WC fee, but I talked with her and she agreed that we would deal with that separately, and that it should not stop the contract.


My TA also gave me some advise - she told me basically that these guys were new, and that she did not think they were trying to take advantage of me, rather, that they had some glitches in the execution because of them being new to this.


Well... I decided to follow the voices of reason (DH, TA, Dad) rather than the voices scraming in my head. DH said I had "wedding jitters". Hum. I think most of the issues were pretty real until we managed to discuss and put things in writing, but it's true I remained upset long after that.


So this is it ! Last week (I leave next week), so now trying to focus on the "last but not least" things to finish before leaving !


Again thanks to everybody for their help, knowing I had a plan B helped me a lot in managing this.

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