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Dress Fitting No. 2

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Alright girls - time for round 2 of my dress alterations. And she almost got it right.


This time we got plenty of shots and as you can see it's still gathering under the lace (the lining) so we finally discovered that because I'm a bit short (as you can tell from these shots) that there was too much dress ... so she's going to pull the lining up under the boob and tighten the ribbon under the boobs as well so that it doesn't poof just before my waist ... enjoy the pics girls!! :)


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My MOH practicing her MOH duties putting up my train ... she's wearing her dress as it was just altered as well ... I think the socks really make the outfit. Hehehe

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I am absolutely in love with the bustle ... she did such a good job with the length and the placement of the button etc.

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Apparently my dress confuses me ... LOL

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See how it's still bunching under the lace? That's because there's just too much fabric for my short little body ... *sigh*

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How is it that I always figure my hair won't look that bad and then shots like this come out? Hehehe

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And this is after she had pinned some of the lining up under the boobs to eliminate the bunching ... it already looks so much better like this.

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There's my Mum in yellow ... she had a hard time holding back tears, she hadn't seen me in the dress since I bought it with her back in August ...

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And that's it! I'll be back this coming Friday to check her progress and make sure that the adjustments she's making with the lining is going well... I'll be sure to take more shots and let you girls know how things are going. Hopefully it'll be the last big adjustment before I can bring it home!!


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