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I did NOT get in Nursing school?!?!

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I was so certain that I would be starting nursing school in the Fall 09, but now I'm no so sure!!!! Well I found out that I did not get in!! Even though I had a 3.4 gpa and 21 ACT, I was beat out by people who had 24 ACTs.... They were rolling admission, so 70 out 100 automatically got in!!


I was censored.gif!!! For the past couple of days I've been running around gathering transcripts to apply for a BETTER nursing program, that's 15 minutes from where I live. PLEASE PRAY that I get in Ladies!!


I'm one of those people that PLAN PLAN PLAN....

If I don't start nursing school, I feel like it will delay everything...


Thanks for letting me vent...

I will let you know if I get in the other school...


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Originally Posted by RIUMBBride711 View Post
remember everything happens for a reason so maybe your reason is the BETTER nursing program!!...I have my fingers crossed for you!
This is exactly what my fiance and family have been telling me. I have balled my eyes out about this!worried2.gif I TRULY do believe that everything happens for a reason... even when you can't see it now.

I've come to far to give up now!!
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Originally Posted by August2010Bride View Post
This is exactly what my fiance and family have been telling me. I have balled my eyes out about this!worried2.gif I TRULY do believe that everything happens for a reason... even when you can't see it now.

I've come to far to give up now!!

Keep up that positive attitude. Maybe you are meant to get into this other school. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and send positive thoughts your way.
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Good luck with the new school. I have heard how hard it is to get into nursing school. You should be proud to have the accomplishments that you do with your GPA and ACT. I'm sure the right school will see all the hard work you have put into your career goals. We are here for you!

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Yes I believe that everything happens for a reason also. I am a nurse, and when I was applying to school I kept getting the "you are on the wait list" but could never find out where on the list I was and others were getting and they had more classes left to take than me. then I heard of another program and you know what, I got right in. I have been a nurse for 12 years now and still love what I do most days.

But with this economy it does make the nursing field more competetive so don't give up, keep trying and it will work out for you.


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