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Worried about call from the MD....


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I'm sure it's nothing, but I'm just checking in to see if you've called them yet this morning and to make sure everything is okay. Update us when you can :)

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Whooo! Good news update! So the third option that I thought it could have been, turned out to be the winner. I have this condition that makes it seem that I have an UTI or a "contaminated sample" when they test my urine. Basically, I have the UTI bacteria in my bladder all the time, but I am totally symptom free - so basically, I have never had the pleasure (pain) of those darn UTI's that all the girls are talking about - I know its a blessing! Anyways, a few years back, we discovered it after my MD put me on two rounds of antibiotics and it didn't resolve, so she followed up with a urologist, we did some testing, banda bing, banda bang....condition discovered.


So on Friday, she asks me how my bladder infections are going? I remind her that I am still asymptomatic and so nothing to report...she looks at me kind of strange and goes on with the next question. I was wondering if she didn't look back far enough in my file to see the history of the testing etc.


Well I talked to the nurse this morning, she asks if I feel any symptoms of a UTI and I feel a huge relief b/c at least now I know its nothing. Turns out the test came back "contaminated" and the MD wanted me to come in to re-test and I explained to the nurse the history and that I don't have symptoms and that I would rather not come in to re-test considering the history but to call me back if they need me to.


Huge relief! I think I was just worried that we were going to have a surprise baby blessing, b/c there is something in the water at work and three people have announced they are expecting in the last month. Plus, being a newleywed, everyone wants to know when we will start having kids and joking about me being pregnant....so I think that DH and I couldn't help but wonder if that was the reason for the call. We want to have children, but not yet, so that would have been quite the surprise.


Anyways, thanks for all the support girls! I think this forum is amazing for all the calming words when you need support! Fantastic ladies you all are!

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  • VIP Member

What a relief!!! Too bad you had to stress all night about it, but thank goodness it was something so simple that you already know about!!

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