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Worried about call from the MD....


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So, I went to the doctor on Friday for my annual check-up/pap/blood work etc. Same old, same old... Then today I get a voicemail at home, while I'm at work, from the nurse asking me to call the office. I didn't get the message until 5:30 and tried to call but obviously they are closed! So now I have to wait until tomorrow to find out what its all about and I'm a little freaked!


And to add to that, my DH starts asking if I'm nauseous, etc. wondering if I'm preggers.... I have had zero symptoms and as a matter of fact, aunt flow stopped by today for her visit. A couple of years ago I had an irregular pap, but it took them 4 months to call me about that one and this time its only been 2 days! I think that is why I'm freaking!


Just needed to vent, b/c I don't want to freak FI out by chatting about it too much until I know the reason for the call, and I know you ladies would be up for listening...

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Ughh, I hate waiting to talk to the doctor. I am sorry they were so mysterious but I am sure for privacy reasons they can not leave messages about it.


I am sending you lots of positive vibes that it turns out to be no big deal for you!

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I'd try not to worry too much about it until you can speak to them tomorrow. We have a very conscientous (sp?) family doctor who has called the house herself a few times and it's always been something minor.


It's worse when the nurse/receptionist says "You need to come in and speak to the Dr." and then give you an appointment a week away!


Good luck, try and sleep tonight, and let us know how it goes!

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Thanks ladies! I'm just really impatient, so having to wait overnight is awful....I really hope I don't have to wait to go in to see the MD to find out what's going on. I'll probably be on the phone bright and early tomorrow morning to find out what the call is all about. The nurse just had such a grave tone in the message...I'll be sure to update when I find out.


Thanks again ladies!

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I'll keep my fingers crossed it is something really minor. It is probably just be an update on the findings from the blood work. I know my FI's doctor called him just to let him know what his cholesterol was. But, they cannot leave even that type of stuff on the answering machines given privacy requirements...or they shouldn't without your permission.

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I wouldn't be too worried about the pap, they would not have results in 2 days, takes like a week minimum. Even blood work that is awfully quick turn around time for routine stuff. Probably something minor but there are always a million thoughts going through your mind when you have to wait.

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