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To TTD or KTD (keep the dress)...that is the question?

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I will be using my original dress. I am not worried about it getting ruined since all the threads I have read the girls are saying the dresses are cleaner and have not had any problems. I just can justify spending the money on 2 dresses

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Originally Posted by Jacilynda View Post
Try using the search on the forum. The TTD to be used or not has been discussed SEVERAL times. You'll find on the forum that it runs probably about 50/50 w/ girls getting a new dress for TTD and girls actually using THE dress for TTD
You knowhuh.gif.. I figured there had to have been AT LEAST one other person who had pondered this...but when I did a search it produced no results... Hmmm...oh well...that's what I get for trying to read an entire screen that has been minimized.... Who knows there's so much info on this board, when I get home and can open the entire screen I'll find a thread that gives brides a tutorial on how to effectively navigate the board while "fakin' workin'....!smile72.gif
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Originally Posted by Nisi39 View Post
You knowhuh.gif.. I figured there had to have been AT LEAST one other person who had pondered this...but when I did a search it produced no results... Hmmm...oh well...that's what I get for trying to read an entire screen that has been minimized.... Who knows there's so much info on this board, when I get home and can open the entire screen I'll find a thread that gives brides a tutorial on how to effectively navigate the board while "fakin' workin'....!smile72.gif
Actualy, you cannot search "TTD" because it's too short !
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