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Grrrrr.....(sorry long rant)

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Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg View Post
First off I have to say I giggled at Catties "I'm going XXX." Cattie are you and your FI doing XXX things? HAHAHAHHA.

I don't understand why he says if you don't tell him why she has to go thenshe can't go. You should just tell him that you and your FI are doing something special and would like her to be there. Like said before, she'll just go home and tell him anyway....so it may be easier to just tell him.
Hahahahahahah I didn't even think about THAT when I posted!!! OMG to funny!!

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I am in no way going to ask her to lie or keep a secret from him. I told them both that she can share with him after if she chooses. Her hubby has known me for a long time and he would make a point to show up if he knew. We already told FI's bf that he can't bring his girl so I don't want it to let one come but not the other. And if I let them both come our other close friends will want to come. I told her it is important and I would really like her to come and her husband said he is the one who will decide if it is important. Bullsh*t! I am just going to call her today and tell her I need an answer either she trusts me that it is important and is going to be there or not. I am not asking her husband's permission, she can give me a yes or a no. I need to know now though because if she is not coming I need to find someone who can, they are probably going to need some notice since we are doing it on a Thursday and they may need to leave work early.



It just really irks me. She moved to Germany to be with him since he is stationed there for the army. I wasn't very happy about that but fine i understand she wants to be with her husband. Now she is home for a month visiting and we can't go anywhere together without him? And how do you tell your best friend that she is an idiot for letting her husband treat her like a child? He is her husband not her keeper. Seriously? WTF?

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I would recommend asking someone else. I think it would keep peace between you both and also save any heartache down the road. I too never understood why people think that their mate is "their " property or that you own them. It REEKS of insecurity, however, f this is what she subscribes to, may be best to just try another option.

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