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FI quit smoking- Help me!

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My FI decided to quit smoking last Thursday, today is day 4. I think I am going to kill him. I am so proud of him and I tell him that but he has turned into the biggest butthead! I need a drink shots.gif


My FI is normally the sweetest man on earth. Like seriously my friends tease me that he is so mushy and blah blah blah. But now he my such a monster! LOL.


We fought all weekend he had one mantrum after another! I am so glad to be at work now!


Anyone have any tips or suggests to get though this! Because honestly I just want to go buy him a pack! AGGHHH!

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Stephanie, I quit like a month ago. And I was the biggest b*tch for the first couple weeks. For no reason LOL! My poor husband! But seriously, it goes away, and I feel so much better now! Just don't take it personal. I know it sucks but I promise it has nothing to do with YOU!!! As long as it doesn't last too long! But your sweet fiance should be back within a few days! Good Luck!

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I second the food suggestion. While you probably don't want him to gain millions of pounds a few good treats are very helpful. I quit a million years ago and blow-pops were my godsend. By the time the sucker was gone my craving would have abated and I had a piece of gum to help stem off the next one.


Good luck!

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Aww Steph.... honestly, I don't know that you could do anything to cheer him up. When I tried quitting smoking years ago (and failed BTW), it didn't matter how nice FI was, I was still a gigantic B***. He said the same thing that you're thinking and offered to support my habit for the rest of my life if I would start smoking again and be my nice self again (not why I failed to quit). The second... or was it the third or fourth... time that I tried quitting, my tantrums were not nearly as severe. I guess you just have to ride it out, but trust me it gets better!!!

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Thanks for all the support ladies!


FI is doing better today, day 6. He was in a better mood this morning and I just got off the phone with him and I asked how he was "holding up" and he says today is much better. smile36.gif


So, I know there is still a long road ahead, especially this weekend because he will be around his best friend who smokes and we will likely be at a smoke filled bar. And to be honest, I will be totally shocked if he doesn't fall off the wagon. Not that I don't have faith in him, I just know how hard it is.


Anyway, thanks ladies! We'll see how this weekend goes!

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I feel your pain. My hubby quit smoking not to long ago and I seriously think I deserve some sort of award for not killing him. He would get upset over the littlest things and I would say "why are you being a jerk" his comments "because I'am get used to it" LOL he's just like your old FI (haha) he's the sweetest man, but OMG you wouldn't have guessed it during that time.. lol


My advise, try not to take anything personal. Ignore it the best you can. It will pass.... eventually. ;-)

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I feel your pain! My FI chewed and smoked for years before we met. I also smoked, but was a social smoker. I totally quit about a year and a half ago. When I did that he decided to get on board. After a couple difficult weeks he ended up going on Chantix and it helped him quit all together. He has had a few relapses but it was much less painful than his attempts to quit on his own.

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FH and I go through that every time we quit. And we'll quit for 6 month stints, smoke for 2 wks and then quit for a year, and then smoke for a month, and then quit again, etc. It's a never ending cycle, LOL!


The first few times we quit, we went cold turkey and we seriously almost broke up each time. He gets really cranky the first 3 days and I get cranky the next 3 days after that. It was hell!


The last couple times we quit, we tried Chantix. I know they say it gives you lucid dreams and/or insomnia, etc, but it's the best thing that's worked for us. We were able to quit without killing each other and it definitely took the edge off quitting.


Good luck to you both!

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