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My bridal shower was Saturday ;o)

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Soooooo I had my surprise bridal shower this past Sat at my sister's house! It was great, my sister and BM's did such a great job, everything they did was so thoughtful and I couldn't have asked for a better shower or bridal party. I went to my sisters house, in the back of my mind thinking it could be my shower but I didn't tell her that, I would never want to ruin that for her or anyone else who put so much effort into this ;o) Anyway, they had a great menu with the help of my family and friends, yummy cocktails, decorated the house great, my cousin made homemade candles with Joe and my name on the lid for the favors, the cake was so pretty, it had the peacock feather design from my invitation on there. The girls got me and Joe a digital frame with music down loaded on it, a cute photo album for my Maui pix, a peacock design wine glass, and of course threw me the best shower ever. My mom got me really pretty lingerie, a honeymoon suite at a hotel nearby, & my fine china (along with my MIL), my mom AND sister made me an awesome recipe book with all types of recipes in it. They used a really funny picture of me from grade school on the cover making cookies sitting on this butcher block we had in our old house growing up, it was hysterical, my bangs are all teased. lol And my sister made me the cutest most creative scrapbook I think I ever seen, it was so adorable. I also got a lot from my registry and other cute gifts that were not on my registry, so I made out very well! I'm so lucky ;o) A bunch of us hung out there after and just had such a great time drinking, laughing and telling funny stories. I didn't want the night to end & I can only imagine thats how I'll feel on my wedding day too.


Once I get pictures from the shower, I will post them. I apologize in advance though b/c I didn't have my camera, and those who took pix take a while to send them to me so I'll try my best to get them up. If not I will take pix tonight of stuff and post them. Carly, I dont know if you have any, ?? If you do send them my way first, thanks!!!

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