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The photog I was in contact with is Leah Stafford, just like MrsD09 mentioned above! I hear she's good (as mentioned above!) and she has boudoir experience, but her prices are about $300, not including the album...

Leah Stafford Photography - Leah Stafford Photography


I'd like to hear more about what you guys found :)

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Bedroom Eyes Studio of Kent,Ohio Boudoir and glamour photgraphy/Unique wedding gift


Never inserted a link before so hopefully this is ok!! I don't think that she would do us all as a group because I was originally going to go with my sister to do our BD shoots together (she is getting married 3 months before me!) but when I asked about it she suggested that we do them seperate days because the shoots last so long. She said she really likes to take the time to make every shot perfect and while it would be okay to bring someone for support, she didn't really want us doing them the same day.

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