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Hi All!

I'm getting married next Saturday and I'm super excited. I'm starting to pack tomorrow and I'll be in Jamaica on Wednesday. Thanks ladies for all of your help, I really appreciate it. I'll be sure to post a review for all you upcoming brides, just as soon as I'm back. Thanks again. Hey Montegobay09--our day is coming up fast & I can't wait to meet ya smile29.gif

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To marshall1980 & montegobay09 :

I wish you both a VERY happy wedding vacation. Enjoy the time with your family & friends. Can't wait to hear how everything goes at RMB. Make sure you take LOTS of photos to share. I'm sure you will both be beautiful brides. 11 more weeks til we are on the way to Jamaica for my daughter's wedding. That seems like a long time away, but I know the time will go quickly. Safe Travels & CONGRATULATIONS !!

Mother of Bride---KAY

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haha, I had this fluttery feeling in my stomach/heart before but now that I read your post I can't even breathe normally cause I just want to scream with excitement!! (FI's sleeping though so I don't think he'd appreciate that!!) I can't believe that I meet you in less than 1 week....that's CRAZY!!!!


Have a blast and enjoy every minute of your journey! I'll see you on Saturday!!! YIPPEEEE!

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