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Anyone Work in Family Services?


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I just finished my first week in Family Services and I am so worried (already!!!) that I won't be able to handle it. I speak Spanish and most of our clients, like 80%, speak Spanish so I hear a lot more of what is going on than other workers who do not speak Spanish. I hurt for clients that cannot receive any benefits. I think I may have picked the wrong career, but I really want to help people. I see some workers who are not too pleasant with workers and I just wonder if I will be like that one day. I really think this is what I want to do, but I'm not sure I can do enough to help the clients in Family Services. Maybe I need to look into some non-profits in this area or something.


Another thing that gets to me is when I see immigrants who have only been here a couple years and are struggling to just get some food. It makes me wonder if my parents were ever in that situation when they first came to the US like 25 years ago. It makes me feel so grateful for what they sacrificed for our family.


In the end... I think its definite that working in CPS is something that I would never be able to handle. Thats something I really thought that I wanted to do, but given that this is hard enough, no way I can handle CPS.


I know immigration may be a hot topic, but I am not trying to start any debates or anything. I just need some encouragement that my job will be rewarding in some way or that it will get better.

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Hey Bianca. i dont work in Family service i just wanted to check out your post because my sister is thinking about working in CPS. I always tell her how hard i think it will be for her but she doesnt even consider what i'm saying. i just wanted to see what your post said.


I hope things get better for you. And i think having compassion for the workers will help you be better at your job. again i have no experience so its just my opinion.

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I worked briefly for DYFS (which is NJ's Department of Youth and Family Services). Honestly, it wasn't for me. I'm getting my Master's in Counseling in May so I am going to continue to work in the helping profression and I am planning to work with children, adolescents and familes AND I know I will continue to confront clients in hard situations. That part I am fine with, but the job just wore me out. Case Workers are so overloaded and burnout comes quickly.


I do think it's a good thing that you are so empathic when dealing with your clients. I think for some people in the field it's easy to become so jaded and desensitized to client situations just because you see it on a daily basis. You have to compartmentalize it all to a certain degree because you don't want to bring it home with you, but you also don't want to go so far that you remove all empathy and become robotic and detached on the job. I think a lot of these clients are so used to case workers who are just cold.. imagine how comforting it must be for them to meet someone who does actually care. I think it's a good trait that you can bring to the table.


Hang in there Bianca. It can certainly be a rewarding job, but it can also be very demanding and overwhelming. Just don't forget to take care of yourself to prevent burnout.

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It is a really important career! I think you just have to keep your head in a place where you know you are going to try to do your best for anyone that is placed on your caseload and that even that little bit you might be able to do for someone might be a catalyst for change down the road!


I think as long as you keep yourself sane and have outlets for frustration that you are bound to experience that you won't be come one of the "bitter caseworkers"!


Keep your head up...what you do is important!!!

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I am an attorney for Connecticut's Department of Children and Families (DCF) I treasure my job! I do, though, belive that it is a calling. On a daily basis I handle the legalities of removing children from negectful and abusive parents. I think that in order to successfully work in this field one must be able to look beyond the horrors and focus on the good one is doing for the children.


My work has been a humbling experience. I left private practice 10 years ago to do this work and haven't regretted it a day since. I promise that you will find your place. I applaud your willingness to even venture into the field.

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I worked for DCFS in Los Angeles. It was tough so eventually I left and I now work for a smaller agency. It's still in foster care and it's a sad job at times because I hate to see children abused, but my job is very rewarding at times. Maybe not financially, but emotionally. Stick it out because we need people to help children in need.

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