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Acia Berry and Colon Cleanse


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Have any of you girls tried this stuff?


Annie's Weight Blog


I ordered both, I'm thinking of starting this Tuesday since I'm off and its a little over a month till the wedding. My dress is snug, so a loosing 10lbs won't be a bad thing!!


I'm just curious, I've never done a cleanse. So I'm scared to leave the house the first day and find that I'm not going to be able to be more then 10 ft from the bathroom!!

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I hate to tell you this, but I saw that exact website on the news the other day and they are saying it is a scam. They said the berry doesn't work and that the people get your credit card info and keep charging on it over and over and over-even after you cancel!!!!

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I saw that same website and was totally into it. I haven't read up on it yet, but I want so bad for it to work. I've heard the Acai berry thing before, but don't know anyone that tried it. I did a cleanse last year and while I didn't really lose any weight, I really did fell much better. Man, the things that were being stored in my body were gross. Keep us updated!


Oh, and I never had to run to the bathroom when I did my cleanse. I could always tell when I needed to go and had plenty of time to get there. Perhaps there are different ones, but I am sure you'll be fine.

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I have gone into a health store before to ask what "colon cleansers" do and how it makes you lose 10 lbs and the guy in the store told me really all it does is get rid of stuff stuck to the colon walls and it doesnt really make you any healthier and the second you stop taking it stuff gets stuck right back on to the colon walls since it is a natural thing to happen. So it is just a vicious cycle from what he told me, and he is someone who sells it to make a living so if he is saying that I would take his word for it.

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