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How long would I be in prison for running over Ex's FI with my Car? (long rant)

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you are definitely the bigger person and for that you deserve the martyr and saint award. Now that that is out the way you need to check that beyotch woman to woman. Once you stop her in her tracks, guarantee she will back down. She does that shyt cause she knows you are not going to do anything

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Stephanie! WTF!! You are being way too nice girl! Obviously "the ex" is threatened by you in some way and that is why she is such a bitch all the time! I would calmly remind her as much as possible that these are YOUR kids too and YOU are the mommy. Sounds like she needs to be put in her place!! SO sorry you are going through this, it truly sounds like a hard place to be! Ya know, we are close enough to go get a drink sometime........I think that would really help to put things in perspective LOL friday.gif

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Thanks for all the support ladies! Of course my FI would never tell me I'm crazy (if he knows what is good for him) but he always sides with me as well as my friends. So I needed a little more feedback. Good to know that I am not overeacting!


I am going to try and talk with Ex this weekend about his FI but if I even get the opportunity I already know how it will go. Even if I approach it gently I know he will get defensive and angry. But that's is just him and I will know to expect it. I guess as long as I say something that is what is important.


With him though I am always trying to keep things smooth and not rock the boat because with the kids involved I don't want to create any friction that will backfire on me. For example, one time he shaved my kids heads because he knew it would piss me off. Or when he decided to take them out of state for vacation without letting me know where they were going.


Guess we will see how it goes. May have another rant on Monday!


Thanks ladies! Your the best! smile03.gif

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