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Indoor tanning lotion question!


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I'm a total rookie when it comes to indoor tanning. My blonde hair and freckles mean I usually wear SPF 45 all summer long! But I'd like to try for a tan for my wedding. I just bought 6 weeks of unlimited tans and plan on working myself up very very slowly (I'm up to 4 minutes in the lowest bed and that's actually an improvement for me!).


The people keep trying to sell me indoor tanning lotion. What's the deal? Does it actually make your tan better? Is there a brand that you'd recommend?

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It does help you tan quicker but my advice would be to wait until maybe your last couple of weeks to use it because if you are only up to 4 min right now I think you'd more likely burn then tan right now.


I too have fair skin and waited to buy any until I had gone a good 4-5 times...but I have tanned before so I know what to expect from my skin!

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I too am very fair skinned...I'm usually in SPF 50+ all summer...I have tanned in the past, and I would definitely recommend using a lotion, even in the early stages. Although it can cause you to burn if you're not careful, it helps to protect your skin too. There are a ton of different brands out there...I would ask someone at the salon you go to to recommend one for you. I would stay away from anything that has bronzers (they turn me a fake orange color) or "tingle" in it (it will turn your skin red for hours and can be painful!) Definitely work your way up the minute ladder slowly (I usually start at 3 min. for the first few times and then increase by only a minute each time.)


I would also recommend using a moisturizing lotion after tanning! The lotions can be expensive in the salons...you can also check online places such as Ebay for better deals...


Good luck!


I am going to start tanning in a few weeks too...it sucks because I know it's so bad for you, but if I go to Mexico as white as I am I will never make it through the week. I can just picture myself in the hospital on my wedding day with 3rd degree burns!

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I will go against the grain and say it is a waste of money.

Unless you are up to about 10 minutes of more... read the ingredients, it is simply water and glycerin (or some sort of cocoa/shea/aloe/ butter), and since you are going in there for so little, a regular moisturizer will work just as well.


I used the Vaseline cocoa butter skin cream for the longest time and it worked like a charm + it was Cheap!


Alot of times these creams have tinters that give you the illusion of more colour (and the realism of breakouts!)


Good luck!

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You don't need it! I have olive skin and tan very very easily. I just went tanning (for the first time all winter) and used the excellerator cause i NEVER burn- and guess what- i got totally burned! Just go without the lotion a few times and you should have a good base (and it's probbaly better for your skin.)

i learned my lesson the hard way- but on the upside i've gotten my FI to rub aloe on me every day since (the burn is gone now but i'm still milking it!)

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The key is you want your skin to be really moisturized. When I used Curel lotion I was the tannest I've ever been!! Just start trying to lotion up in the morning, afternoon, and at night....sounds like a lot but your skin will be sooo soft and it worked for me!

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To be honest you don't need it!!! I have been tanning for years and I absolutely hate lotions. Alot of them have brozers in them that turn your skin an unnatural orange color and who wants that? If you want to get realy tanned just stay super moisturized because the dryer your skin is the more often it will flake off skin and your tan with it. If you keep moisturize your skin will shed less ofter keeping the tan for longer!

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Thanks for all the replies! I think I'll keep going without the accelerator for now and stick to making sure I moisturize regularly like you all suggested!


I definitely don't want to be orange, and I don't want to burn either! I also don't want to have one of those fake looking tans (like all the people who work at the salon have) so I'll take it easy.

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