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Venting about family!

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Ugh! My family is so difficult. My parents are divorced and hate eachother. Half my siblings don't talk to my mom. My dad and his sister dont talk and hate eachother. No one gets along!


I am so sick of trying to please everything. So screw it! I'm getting married in Mexico and they can decide who comes, not me! I am not choosing between family members. Anyone else have crazy familieshuh.gif

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My parents are divorced also and can't be in the same room together without sparking up an argument that starts from present day issues and goes all the way back to when they were first together and somebody cheated. They are crazy.


pvbeachbride10 hopefully they will leave the drama at home and realize that your day is all about you and not there issues.

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Girls my family is crazy tooo!!! My mom don't like Fi for no apparent reason they dont live in the same state..he thinks my whole family is crazy, so I think of his too..lol but everyone is complaining about my wedding in JA when my brother is having a wedding in Cali where its more expensive than my wedding..its a mess..a mess I tell ya I told them stay home with the drama cause Im not dealing with it...

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Soory I came back need to vent more....My family said to me if u had ur wedding in the "States" maybe more people will come WTF!! I only invited who I wanted to come...not trying to invite the whole world, but my brother is having a wedding in Cali his wedding is way more than mine..he dont even live in Cali!!! they always talk about his wedding all the time and keep asking me when am I coming down for his wedding....WTH..these people are nuts but hey u cant choose ur family..Im gone now Oh yeah my mom says "well I guess I have to buy a ticket to come to JA..i said in my head u really dont have too..lol that was mean

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All of my future brother and sister in laws complained about the timing and location too. 2 of the 3 sister in laws are not coming. My parents were thrilled and his parents had their complaints but finally said if it what you want. My grandma won't come because my grandpa and his wife of 30 years will be there. You would think people would get over things, but even 70 year olds can act very high school.


We have 29 adults and 3 kids booked with flights. Those that want to be there and support us will be and the rest are not going to ruin this for us. As long as our parents are there we will be happy.

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My family is crazy too. My dad didn't come to my wedding because he couldn't afford to pay for the passport (I offered to pay for everything else, but I wanted him to put forth SOME effort). My mother brought her crazy new cross-eyed husband who reminds everyone of a child molester. They stayed in their room the entire time and left the reception before the "first dance". My sister's 42 year old boyfriend threatened my husband that he would "kick the bet man's ass" if he didn't stop talking to my sister. My sister left the ceremony in tears because everyone stopped talking to her becuase they were afraid of her boyfriend....and my mother in law was an absolute hoot because she was on valuum and tequila the entire time. Oh, and my mother suggested that my AHR become the family reunion for my 200+ mormon relatives without talking to me.


Good luck! Have a glass of wine and realize that a destination wedding will keep away most of the crazies.:)

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