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budgeting for a DW

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So I was wondering if anyone had found a guideline for budgeting a destination wedding. I have some that apply to regular weddings, but was unable to find anything official regarding DW's.


My mom keeps asking to see my budget, but I have no idea. We ar having the DW and inviting anyone who wants to come, then we are having a reception when we return for the full list of invites. I've never planned a wedding before, so I have no idea what to expect to spend on every little piece.


Any suggestion?

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Also, there are a lot of budget posts & threads...try searching 'budget' and you should find a lot! Have you started looking at resorts? It becomes MUCH easier to establish a budget once you pick a place! (and I speak from experience!!) pinkie.gif

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Originally Posted by kucka00 View Post
Thanks Heidi,

I meant to mention that and got distracted with WORK! LOL
Damn, that thing called work. This site is truely addictive.

Thank you both, I will def do a search for budget. I just need a guideline. For instance, I priced out the invitations that I love and they are like $1,000 for all the pieces. I thought that was too much, but my mom said that sounds about right. Oh well, guess i will figure it out when I decide what means the most to me and what I want to spend the money on!
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Carly - definitely look at the budgets thread.


This is how I approached the whole thing - and like you, never having planned a wedding, I had no idea on cost to begin with. I first decided on what kind of venue I wanted (i.e. all inclusive, not inclusive, large hotel, boutique hotel). Then I started requesting information from the type of venue I decided on. That gave me a very good reference point in terms of price range per person for drinks, food and any other fees.


Also, is your budget supposed to include the at home reception? That could get tricky - I would do a separate one for each.


I would definitely know what you are working with before you start planning - like we said we didn't want to spend any more than $15K. If you don't set a limit for yourself, it's really easy to exceed :)

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I suggest, like Christa that you set a limit. You can then budget around that. So, say you what to spend $15K, well then you will have to guestimate on certain things but as you spend, if you go over your projected budget in one area, lessen the budget for another.


How many people are you inviting? I don't think $1000 is all that bad. I know a lot of us are making our invitations ourselves... thanks to clever ideas from people who really know how to make them :) Could that be an option with the design that you love? Maybe you should post it and we can help you decide!!!

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
... Maybe you should post it and we can help you decide!!!
Ok, here is a pic of the invites. My colors are orange, fuchsia and turquoise, so this fits right in. Much better in person though, which I am sure is true with just about everything...

Click the image to open in full size.
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Alright, not sure if you'd want to... but you might be able to easily recreate something similar. I don't know how I'd do the branches... but the background flowers are easy peasy. Just buy the cardstock that you want them on and find a good printer...


if you'd be interested.

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Alright, not sure if you'd want to... but you might be able to easily recreate something similar. I don't know how I'd do the branches... but the background flowers are easy peasy. Just buy the cardstock that you want them on and find a good printer...

if you'd be interested.
I would def be interested, and I even looked around, but was unable to find cardstock. The orange has a metallic tinge to it and the blue is not the color it appears on the computer. Know any good craft supply stores? All I have is Michael's and AC Moore, and they are ok, but sometimes just don't have the selection...
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They have a font on dafont.com which is hibiscus flowers. So, in Microsoft WORD you'd insert a Text Box. In that box you'd type your pretty flower letter (there are many variations to choose from). Because it's a font you can have it be whatever color you'd like. After that you can move it around wherever you'd like, size it pretty... and you're golden!


I could help you if you needed it.

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