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Weather in May or June in Cuba!


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Hey Ladies,


I am interested in hearing your first hand experience with the weather in late May/first week of June. I am planning to get married in Santa Clara Cuba and the only time my FI and I both have off is then. I just want some reassurance I suppose that it did not rain the entire time you were there, I would hate to bring a bunch of people there only to have it rain for a week...shots.gif...


Your experience for your wedding and/or personal travel is GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks so much -Steph

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I looked at the forecasts for the time of year we'll be there (approx 29 of May - June 5) and based on the past few years it seems as though it's pretty hot (30+ avg temp during the day) and some showers (generally only a couple and mostly at night) - I think it will be ok. Hope to hear good things from other brides who are getting married around then this year too! My fingers are crossed for you, you can never guarantee anything but I think it's going to be good (positive thinking), we'll have fun no matter what.


PS - Amarillis, did you know there's a beach in Barbados (I believe) named Amaryllis?

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That's awesome, I checked the history of weather in Cuba during the time of year we will be there and it looks pretty good - some rain at night or some showers during the day but it seems like it should be good overall (just hot and sticky!). Thanks for the info!

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