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Originally Posted by nsimpson View Post

I'm getting super excited now; it's six months to the day and I just mailed out my homemade boarding pass invites!smile159.gif I can't wait to start getting "official" responses (most already knew the date and details before I'd even started the invites!)
Congrats on getting them out and lets see some pictures!!!

I sent mine out about 2 months ago and the RSVP deadline is 3/15 and only have heard from about 40%!
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Hmmm... I originally wanted to have one of our friends or family conduct our ceremony, but the one person I really thought would be good at it, is no longer coming sad.gif


I also didn't want anything religious mentioned in our ceremony, but FI is catholic, so I'm sure he would appreciate having a pastor conduct it. I've emailed Pastor York to see if he's even available on my date, so we'll see!

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Originally Posted by KPEG View Post
After seeing my FI in his suit that we ordered online, I am definately getting more excited. It's making this all so much more real!
This is awesome news KPEG! Did you guys end up ordering the suits that were posted for $99 on BDW or did you go with a different place?
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Originally Posted by GEM View Post
Hi, guys! My name is Gaby and my fiance and I are getting married at Dreams, La Romana on July 9th, 2010. I just recently found this forum and am very excited:) Thank you everyone for your great pics and posts...can't wait to talk more with you gals:)
Oh I'm getting married on 6 July 2010 at Dreams La Romana, when do you arrive? We arrive on the 30 June 2010, I'm so looking forward to it and meeting you there :-)
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Originally Posted by nsimpson View Post
Ladies... how can I put this as delicately as possible without offending anybody? Hmm...unless your native language is Spanish, you do not want Tiara or any other person who works for the resort conducting your "ceremony!" Yes, Tiara speaks fairly good english but she has quite an audible accent and if you have seen the ceremony that they do there you will realize that it won't give you that warm and fuzzy feeling that we're all after. My recommendation is absolutely to go with Pastor Rick who does both religious and non-religious ceremonies. If anyone would like to see a sample let me know and I'll e-mail it to you.
Hi could you email me pastor Ricks ceremony and how much he costs if you don't mind, I'm starting to panic about the whole judge in spanish thing!!! We are having a legal ceremony so I really want it to be right, many thanks

[email protected]
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Hi, lizzyjane! We are arriving, most likely, on July 4th:) So I'm sure we will see each other:) When do you leave? I am getting soo excited!

Pastor Rick only does symbolic ceremonies but here is his email [email protected]

He is really nice and responds very quickly.

What are you, or anyone else, doing about flowers? I really want flowers for my bridesmaids but they are $75 a bouquet! Is anyone using an outside florist?

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Originally Posted by GEM View Post
What are you, or anyone else, doing about flowers? I really want flowers for my bridesmaids but they are $75 a bouquet! Is anyone using an outside florist?
I am doing parasols for the BM, but if you want flowers for them, i would look into getting fake ones. My bouquets will be fake (real touch) and you can't even tell.
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Originally Posted by Lastminutecouple View Post
if you're looking at fake flowers, there is a small business here that does a wonderful job... i don't know what their pricing is like as i do not know the usualy cost for fake flowers, but i do know they do a phenomonal job. their website is Home
I am also using fake flowers for the bridesmaids. I might even use fake for myself and have them make the free bouquet from the package into the table center. I think I have everything planned now. I hope.....

Cannot wait to hit the beach... Talk soon.
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