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Dreams La Romana

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Hi chanelo! :))xoxo


Sweetie, your OOT bags are AMAZING!!! Congratulations hon, I know how much time and work you put into those, i am sure your guests will appreciate such a thoughtfulness!!! 

I have indeed disappeared somehow, got overloaded with work, study, wedding planning and usual family dramas that you get with any major celebration lol :D

but now even though it is still very busy I feel, that I have done most of the things for wedding so i feel more relaxed :)) although of course now and than i get panic attacks that i have missed something lol :))

Chanelo, that's exactly what we have decided with my FI about our presents, I got him a professional camera as a present (which he already got lol ) and he got me a compact one (cos i am way to clumsy lol and i am not into gadgets that you have to literally enroll into some sort of course to know how to use it :D)

But Chanelo your other present is soooo awesome, as i was reading message on the certificate I got all chocked up...:) your FI will love it hon!xxxx

Where did you get it from sweetie by the way?!xxxx


I have finished my OOT bags last weekend as well, but decided to take them with me, cos my family is coming from all over Europe and we are all meeting only at the airport right before we go to DR :D But as there are not many of us, it makes it all not that bad to be honest :)) I am still waiting for my menus and ceremony programs...this is the only thing that makes me quite nervous, as they will be coming from US and we have only 3 weeks left now before we go..


Still waiting for last minute deliveries to come and getting super excited now!!! :D Have a little app on my iphone that counts days minutes and seconds until we go LOL :D 

As many of you might know already, our formal "wedding" is going to be on the 14th Feb in registry office, with only our two closest friends with us, who cant make it to DR - and it is only 6 days away now. Even though we decided to make it as simple and quick as possible, as we will always see our official wedding being in DR on the 6th, we both still counting the days and getting super excited about it :)) Planned to spend night before with our fiends and next morning go to "sign the papers" and celebrate together the rest of the day :D woot.gif





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Hi ladies!  I just found this forum and am so excited to start reading posts and seeing pics.  Im getting married in November 2012 in Punta Cana (Paradisus Punta Cana), but I'm trying to convince my fiancee to honeymoon in La Romana, which is only 2 hrs away.  He wants to travel to another island because we'll already have been in Punta Cana for a week and that area unfortunately doesnt offer alot outside of the resorts.  However, La Romana from what I understand, is a different story!  And my point is why spend $ on another flight when we can have a fabulous time and spend time by ourselves only a few hours away by car!  So...the beauty of it all is, his parents have very generously offered to pay for our honeymoon by way of their timeshares.  They have an RCI timeshare which has Dreams La Romana listed as one of its properties..perfect!  Has anyone on this forum honeymooned at Dreams La Romana?  Can you share your experience here, and the activities offered in the resort and outside of it?  I think we will only go for 5 days (although the timeshare is for a full 7 days), I will need a few days after the honeymoon to come home, unpack, laundry, get back into the routine of things etc. before getting right back into work on Monday.  Any pics or feedback from you gals would be very greatly appreciated!

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I got married in the DR in June of 2011. I know how hard it is to try to look your best for your wedding day.I don't know how to post this without it saying or looking like a scam, lol. But I wish I had known about this before my wedding and it really does work. I'm a stay at home wife and this is what I do on the side. If you want to tighten, tone and lose inches for your big day, check out my Ultimate Body applicator wrap and some really other great products that promote healthy living! http://www.skinnyin45.com/


The only thing I wish had been done differently is the priest said everything in spanish (which I knew was going to happen) and Tiara translated. However, they never said the part about 'in sickness and in health, better or worse, etc...' the ceremony was so short. Literally like 8 minutes long. Idk if that is because it rained, ok more like monsooned on my day and we had to wait 2 hours before the ceremony could take place. LOL

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I was just introduced to this site by a friend who i also having a destination wedding. My date is Aug 31,2013 (long way) but I'm a Biomed student, mother and very busy so i decided to get started.

Ive secured my date and chose the Ultimate wedding package but looking to possibly downgrade so I can hire outside vendors. I'm currently looking for a photographer but i'm unsure how the resort's photographer is? If anyone can send me some links for decorators, cakes, photographers and etc I'd soooo appreciate it. Thanks in advance :)))

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