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Dreams La Romana

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Thanks Bee thats great. I think i will try my luck also and see if i can get a bit more for free wink.gif we are going to take our own speakers too as (its free....) and i heard that the hotel DJ only plays your iPod music for you anyway?!


Thanks for the reply...much appreciated!!!



Originally Posted by Pink_Petals View Post

Hey Husty,


In my case, I brought my own speaker down and had my friend who is a dj play the various songs (i.e. guest waiting music, bridesmaids music, bridal march music, etc)


However, Tiara told me that the resort DJ will set up his equipment and he will play your bridal song for free. I was a little more pushy and I asked Tiara if the DJ would be able to play a few extra songs free of charge in addition to my 'walking down the isle' song such as the bridesmaids' song and a few songs while the guests waited and she said that it would be ok! So talk to her and see what she says!


If you want to have the DJ play music at your reception, then you will have to pay of course.... I believe its $250 for 4 hours....I dunno if that has changed


!xoxo Bee

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DH just handed over our ipod nano to the DJ before the ceremony and he plugs in right into the speakers and DH showed him which folder had the songs for the ceremony and which ones to play when.  From what i remember he played all the correct songs at the right time, ie waiting music, bridesmaids walking down, me walking down, sand ceremony song and down back down the aisle.  and then we just got the ipod back once the ceremony was done as we hand a bose sounddock with us for the reception. 

Originally Posted by NancM View Post


Hi Bee,


What type of music did you bring down?  We've got a ton of songs on our Ipod in different folders, for the walk down the aisle, first dance, etc...do you know if the resort DJ can access these folders on our Ipod or would we actually need CD's for him to play?  How did it work with your friend who played the music for you?  Were they all from music files, on a memory stick, a computer?  I did ask Yanna, but she hasn't told me what type of music the DJ will need.  We have certain songs we'd like played at certain times and I just want to be sure that we will have the music we've selected.


As always, thank you so much for your advice!



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Originally Posted by dolfinluck View Post

DH just handed over our ipod nano to the DJ before the ceremony and he plugs in right into the speakers and DH showed him which folder had the songs for the ceremony and which ones to play when.  From what i remember he played all the correct songs at the right time, ie waiting music, bridesmaids walking down, me walking down, sand ceremony song and down back down the aisle.  and then we just got the ipod back once the ceremony was done as we hand a bose sounddock with us for the reception. 



Thank you so much dolfinluck!


You made my day...this will make things so much easier for us to be able to hand over the Ipod and show him where the right folders are.  We hired him for the reception as well, so we'll be sure to make plenty of folders with all the songs we will need for the night. 


Thanks too for giving me the idea for music during our unity candle lighting ceremony as well as music for when the ceremony is over...that completely did not enter my mind.  So many things that I would never have thought about...thanks to everyone on here for sharing this information and giving such great advice.  I'd be completely lost without all of you. 


Oh yeah, dolfinluck, I ordered some of the chocolates from where you got yours - I had them do the starfish in pink, to add to my cake.  They came in and were lovely, but the wrong pink, so I brought them to a local cake shop and they are air brushing them for me and I've had them make a few more.  Again, without your idea about those chocolates, I would never have thought to do something like that.  Thanks a million! 


Quick question about those chocolates:  how did you keep them cool on the flight down?  Thanks!




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Originally Posted by NancM View Post


Hi uninspired1979,


I'm so glad you brought up MAC mascara...I've been having a hard time finding one that doesn't flake or clump, so I will be sure to try that one when I go get my makeup done by them.  We're havign our legal ceremony on November 5th, so I will probably have it done on that day. 


I too, would love to know what type of foundation you used Bee...uninspired is right, you did look flawless!

We'll be at DLR from November 11th til November 25th.  Our flight home from La Romana Airport is at @ 3:30 pm.  What time do you arrive on the 22nd?  All of our guests will have gone by then (they leave on the 18th), so my husband and I would love to meet you and your fiancé after you arrive.  Let me know what works for you...and we will try to meet in person!  When is your wedding?  Are you bringing decorations down with you, or do you need any?  I'm not sure what your color scheme is, but I'll be bringing down paper lanterns, table runners, linen napkins, etc...in fuchsia and orange and wasn't planning on bringing them home.  If you need any of them, just let me know and I will make sure to have them there for you.  Can't believe in a little over 3 weeks, I will acutally be there and getting the final details of the wedding organized!  It's all happening so fast...


I hope to meet you in person at DLR...happy planning and packing.




Hi LisaRob,


Thanks for the concurrence on taking Dukoral...my fiancé and I will be taking it and I spoke with a couple of doctors and pharmacists and have managed to convince my children's father that it is a good thing for them to take it, so I have the green light to give it to them too.  I just don't want them to have their first trip to a resort end up with one or both of them getting sick.  If there is any way for me to prevent that, then I will and so far, I have heard of no adverse side effects from taking it, both for adults and children.  I feel very reassured.  Thanks for the advice!



Hi Nancy,


We should be arriving at the resort on November 22nd at around 3-4pm, we land at 1:30, and have the long bus ride, so I'm assuming around 3:00pm. Would really like to get together that evening for a drink so you can fill us in on how your wedding was and what we should expect. So exciting, I can't believe that it's our turn next. Before you go we should choose a spot where we can meet in the evening.


Makeup- Couldn't get too a MAC this week and really needed mascara, so I bought Mabelline Falsies mascara at my local drugstore, just needed something to hold me over. I already have long lashes, but this made them crazy long, like I was wearing fake eyelashes. What I really like about it is that it doesn't dry fast so you had the opportunity to put a few coats on without rushing, big plus. I might try to do a combo, Mabelline to lengthen, than the MAC to thicken, will see if it works:)


We are getting marrried on Saturday the 27th. It is so nice of you to offer to leave me your decorations, but our colors are totally different, ours are Turquoise and Purple:( If you were really just planning on trashing everything maybe when we meet up you can show me what you have left and I can see if I can use anything. I might be able to use a few Fuchsia things for an extra pop of color.


This week I really can't believe that it is so close now. FI and I really need to buckle down and start getting ourselves organized. I hate to admit, but I haven't taken my dress to the seamstress yet, well I did a few months back, but I was hoping to gain some weight so I didn't leave it to get done (yes I said gain, you will see when we meet I am insanely petite). But yes, it will all get done, even if I have to corral every last person I know and bribe them to help, lol.


Happy planning Nancy, I really do look forward to meeting you and your soon to be hubby!

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Hi All,


Hi girls,Happy Hump Day!


So something totally unrelated


I am going to start finishing out my DIY's in the next few weeks. Does anyone know where I should be posting a planning thread? Or would it just be more helpful to all of you if I posted it here. I feel like I know all of you and feel like I should be sharing all of this info with you directly.


Someone let me know what to do. Thank You!

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No prob Nancy!  Glad i could help.  On the flight down i kept all the chocolates (seashells for the cake, mm's for the favors and Hershey bars for the smores at the bonfire) in my traveling purse, its big and has a zipper to keep everything locked inside.  You def dont want to put them in your checked baggage.  And on the ride over to DLR i kept the purse with me in the nice AC.  Everything was good and no breaks in any of the seashells. 

Originally Posted by NancM View Post



Thank you so much dolfinluck!


You made my day...this will make things so much easier for us to be able to hand over the Ipod and show him where the right folders are.  We hired him for the reception as well, so we'll be sure to make plenty of folders with all the songs we will need for the night. 


Thanks too for giving me the idea for music during our unity candle lighting ceremony as well as music for when the ceremony is over...that completely did not enter my mind.  So many things that I would never have thought about...thanks to everyone on here for sharing this information and giving such great advice.  I'd be completely lost without all of you. 


Oh yeah, dolfinluck, I ordered some of the chocolates from where you got yours - I had them do the starfish in pink, to add to my cake.  They came in and were lovely, but the wrong pink, so I brought them to a local cake shop and they are air brushing them for me and I've had them make a few more.  Again, without your idea about those chocolates, I would never have thought to do something like that.  Thanks a million! 


Quick question about those chocolates:  how did you keep them cool on the flight down?  Thanks!




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Hi Ladies,

I've been lurking on the forum for a while and haven't posted anything in the last couple weeks so I thought I would pop in and say hi! I've been super busy with wedding stuff lately but I'm so excited to be leaving for DLR in just a couple short weeks!


I can't believe the time has flown by! We'll be at the resort from Nov. 5th - 15th so Nancy, if you'd like to meet for a drink, I'd love to let you know what was great about our wedding and what didn't work.


Uninspired, my colors are turqoise and purple as well! Our party is super small though (12 people) so we aren't really doing decorations, otherwise I'd leave my things for you.


I've been working on my OOT bags every night after work and am going to post a planning thread hopefully soon. I'd recommend posting it in the planning section which is under "Tell us your wedding/engagemet story!". http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/list/128


I sent off our ceremony script to Elke last week. Of course now my FI says he want's to write his own vows so I'll have to send another one to her. :) At least he's getting involved...


I assembled my script from various examples on the internet and it is non-religious. If anyone wants to see it I can post it here, but I won't take up the space if people don't need the help.

Where has the time gone?? I can't believe it is all happening so soon!

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Originally Posted by NancM View Post






Hi Bee,


What type of music did you bring down?  We've got a ton of songs on our Ipod in different folders, for the walk down the aisle, first dance, etc...do you know if the resort DJ can access these folders on our Ipod or would we actually need CD's for him to play?  How did it work with your friend who played the music for you?  Were they all from music files, on a memory stick, a computer?  I did ask Yanna, but she hasn't told me what type of music the DJ will need.  We have certain songs we'd like played at certain times and I just want to be sure that we will have the music we've selected.


As always, thank you so much for your advice!





Hi Nancy,


Sorry I cant answer the DJ questions for you as Im not familiar with the DJ services but I see that dolfinluck answered them for you :)


The way I did it is I got a Grooveshark account where I downloaded my music into different folders depending on the occasion (dinner music, first dance song, etc)...I did this off the computer! I then got the grooveshark application on my iPhone and immediately all of the folders with the music appeared on my phone. I simply made them available offline and then all my friend had to do was hook up his equipment to my iphone and then select the different folders whenever it was appropriate. In return for his services, I bought him 4 nice shirts when we got back in Toronto cheesy.gif



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Oh one more thing....I remember when I was doing my playlist it was such a pain in the a$$ to find appropriate songs so I thought Id share with you my music...hope this helps some of you ladies cheesy.gif


Folder 1: Ceremony Music- Guest Waiting


Air on the G String - Bach

Song for Sienna - Brian Cain

Butterfly Waltz - Brian Cain

Sunrise- Brian Cain

A walk in the Forest- Brian Cain

Sundial Dreams - Kevin Kern

Through the Arbor - Kevin Kern


Folder 2: Bridesmaids Walking down the Isle:

Canon in D - Pachelbel


Folder 3: Bride walking down the Isle:

Ave Maria - Celtic Women


Folder 4: First Dance as Hubby and Wifey

Bryan Adams- Heaven


Folder 5: Father and Daughter Dance:

You Raise Me Up- Josh Groban


Folder 6: Dinner Music: Here I used a lot of Brazilian/French/Spanish lounge/chillout music. I had a lot but I will pot a few so you can get an idea of the type of songs these are. If you like the way they sound, let me know and I will type of the whole list for you :)


Nuit Magique- Jazzamor

Esta Noche - Federico Aubele

Last Tango in Paris - Gotan Project

Samba de mon Coeur qui Bat - Coralie Clement

Postales - Federico Aubele

Je T'aime - Jazzamore


Folder 8: Party Music - Here I download a mix of different genres; dance/reggae/etc. Some songs were played off my list, but a lot of the time I had guests come up to the Dj booth and they all plugged in their iPhones to play some songs they liked. Thats because I downloaded only newer songs which were more for the young crowd. But we had some adults who wanted Abba for instance so they just played that themselves :)  




Hope this helps everyone....


P.S. My script was about 20 minutes long...If anyone wants it, lemme know


xoxo Bee

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