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Originally Posted by Pink_Petals View Post


Hi ladies... I'm just in the car on my way to the airport,. I'm writing off my iPhone! Thank you all for your wonderful wishes!! I will have Internet so I will come back here and keep you updated!


Kisses and hugs!




I hope everything is wonderful and all you hoped for! Best wishes!!

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Thanks to all of you that supported me on my rant the other day. I was really stressed out and frustrated and it helped to have you remind me that FIs can just be difficult some days. He really doesn't have any idea how much time I spend thinking about our wedding!

I decided to leave the reservation as-is and buy our return tickets for early Sunday morning. We fly out at 8am and get home at 1:30 pm so we'll still have half a day at home to decompress a bit. It means leaving the resort SUPER early in the morning, but it will be really nice to be home for a bit before the jetlag kicks in and we go to bed at 7pm. :)

You guys rock. Thanks for the support!

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Our guys have no idea how much we think about the wedding day, it just hurts their brains. Aside from the things that I absolutely have to run by him, I really don't tell him much. What's the point, he'll just zone out when I start running through all the things that I'm doing, and all the things that need to get done.

This may sound totally crazy but I've turned the planning into a game for myself; I just make things and do things and if he doesn't ask me what I'm doing, I feel like it's yet another "surprise" that he doesn't know about, and that's fine by me.

He has seen some of the things that I have been working on, but he has no idea how it will all come together. So I feel like the day of the wedding will be one big surprise for him, and that's going to make me feel good. I'd much rather play this game with myself than get angry with him when he zones out on me, much better for the relationship this way, lol.

What I have been doing is when I need him for something, I tell him how long it's going to take, than I tell him a time I'd like to do it. I also keep it to a maximum of two things. I have found that this works great, he knows how much time he is dedicating so he doesn't suddenly feel cornered. Saturday he sat down with me, we chose the menu, and finished our vows, than he went back to playing video games which was fine by me because he helped me finish the 2 things I really needed him for that day.

Hermosahoops, don't get stressed out with your FI, just remember that he with never be as nuts about the wedding as you are, so just involve him when you absolutely need him, it will be better for both of you that way.

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Great post uninspired.  I have done the same thing with my FI.  It's easier for me to remember that he doesn't have the time because he 3 hours away being a graduate assistant at the University of Central Florida's football team, so basically, I'm doing everything by myself.  He will be really surprised come the wedding day.  He was so excited when he saw the save the dates that "we" sent out.  I will only be involving him in the things that absolutely need his input.  It looks like I will have to pick out the mens' attire as well - unless I enlist the help of the Best Man. 

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lol, same with me girls. My FI loves to have ideas, but doesn't realize the time to put them all together. Although I think the stress of the wedding and planning came to a boiling point this weekend as we were away at another cousins Stag and Doe.   He spend a whole day shopping and helping and making sure i was "destressed". 


So now i give him a job with a beginning and an end and he gets them done. Men don't think the way we do........ and thats ok.

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Thanks Uninspired. I agree that the details are way more important to me then to him. The only real task I've given him is picking out our wedding song and I try not to bother him with too many other things. I do get all my OOT packages sent to his office though and he keeps saying "what did you buy now??" but that's more amusing to me than anything. He'll be really happy when he gets down to the DR and he sees all the sweet stuff I packed for everyone.


Really, as long as he shows up I'm happy. The whole point of the destination wedding was so I wouldn't have to sweat the small stuff. Now that I've got the return tickets booked and our mini-moon planned it will all be much less stressful from here on.



Mrs. Williams- Your FI must be crazy busy with the start of football season. I can see why you are doing most of the things by yourself. Go Knights!

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Speaking of getting things shipped to his office...


I don't know if any of you are planning on doing OOT mugs, but I just bought these off Amazon.





They are onsale for $6.76 from $12 and if you buy 3 you get 1 free. I was able to get 12 mugs for $60 with free shipping. I'm going to print out my wedding logo and people's names and insert them into the mugs. Since we only have 12 people coming to the wedding I was having a hard time finding a company that would do custom printing for small orders. I think these will work great!





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Originally Posted by hermosahoops View Post

Mrs. Williams- Your FI must be crazy busy with the start of football season. I can see why you are doing most of the things by yourself. Go Knights!

Yes, he's SUPER busy and most nights we don't even get to talk and when we do, I don't want to bother him with wedding stuff.  So, he will be very much surprised when he gets there to see what "we've" done for our guests.


We are expecting more than 100 people, so doing OOT bags are definitely out of the question for us because $1 per item is $100 already and that means we'd likely spend $1,000 on OOT bags if we put 10 nice things in there --> WAY TOO MUCH!!!

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are you giving anything away at the wedding? i'm doing oot bags, but its gotten expensive now that i'm up to 50..


Originally Posted by Mrs. Williams View Post


Yes, he's SUPER busy and most nights we don't even get to talk and when we do, I don't want to bother him with wedding stuff.  So, he will be very much surprised when he gets there to see what "we've" done for our guests.


We are expecting more than 100 people, so doing OOT bags are definitely out of the question for us because $1 per item is $100 already and that means we'd likely spend $1,000 on OOT bags if we put 10 nice things in there --> WAY TOO MUCH!!!

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