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Dreams La Romana

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Hey all,


had my bridal shower this weekend and was a blast !!! :) Can't believe we are down to 44 days before we leave to La Romana :)


First I'll answer KCB2011


We found them at Canadian tire of all places. I was shocked when my Fi Brought them home!! But because we started looking early. We kept an eye out at Loblaws and such because they have crazy sales when they are getting rid of stuff. (I got water pistols for my OOT bags at .88 for 2)


Anyway he went into the liquidation section and they had them. Frosted glass about 6 inches high with turquoise stripes around them. i was going with the Dollarstore but they were too big to transport... so these are in a box of 6 each and if they break (lets keep our fingers crossed) its no biggie I guess. We bought a aluminum suit case for all the decorations and stuff... so hopefully thy will transfer ok.


On another note, just because i'm crossing my T's and Dotting I


Prior brides, did you pay for the bulk with a credit card? I don't want to bring down so much cash! It went ok??  Appreciate your feedback :)


- Dana

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Oh I forgot...obviously haven't done the wedding payment stuff yet, but we have previously been to both Cuba and Mexico and paid for pretty much everything (spa charges to room, tours etc) with our credit card and have never had a single problem, if that helps at all!

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KCB2011 Thanks for pics they have confused me even more!!!


DCairns Glad you enjoyed you bridal shower, mine is next weekend. Its scaryhow fast time is movingwe only have about 25 days until we leave. The nerves are starting to come.


Hope everyone is enjoying the planning dont know what I'll do when it's all over??

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Has anyone heard from Tiara lately?  I'm assuming this is a pretty busy time for them, but she is usually pretty good at responding and its been almost three weeks and I haven't heard back from her.  Not too stressed about it, just wondering if I should send the email again or wait a little longer to hear from her?


Otherwise planning is going....I am pretty much doing a little bit every evening when I get home and you would think I would be making progress, but not so much! haha.  I also, decided to start putting all the stuff I have been collecting and will be taking down with me (decor, OOT bag items, etc) in a large suitcase so I can be reminded of how much room I actually have as I buy more and more items!!  FI doesn't enjoy the giant suitcase hanging out open on the floor until July when it is full enough that I can close it and tip it up to fit in the closet, but oh well!

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I was wondering that myself about Tiara, she usually doesn't take that long to respond, and especially now since our wedding is in 6 weeks. dizzy.gif

I hope we all hear from her soon! I am in the same boat as you, my suitcase has been laying around on the floor for a couple of weeks now and its pretty full lol

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Gald to know I'm not alone!  I think I wil wait until the end of the week and then I will send her a quick email to see if she received my last one (last time I did this, she responded right away) - I will keep you posted if I hear from her!


6 weeks!!!  That is coming up so quickly, very exciting!

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Hello girls :)


Hope that you are all doing great and your planning is coming along nicely too! :D For those ladies that are getting married next...wau you all must be sooo exited!!! :))) Very happy for you and hopefully after slightly stressful preparation to leave for DR, you soon will be able to relax nicely by the pool in Dreams with some tasty cocktails and enjoy! :)))

About replies from our WC's - mine is Yanna and she also went missing lol :D she sent me an email about 2weeks ago that's he will be putting together my quote for all extras etc. but i haven't heard from her since and I think it is because they might be very busy together with Tiara 


MissTaken Wow, you will become MRS soooo soon, you must be so excited!!! :D When you will come back please let us know how it went!!! :)



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