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Notarized Letter for my daughter...

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
do you already have a passport for her?
I was gonna ask the same thing, we took our kids and just brought passports....did you already get hers? I think you might be okay if you did.....
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They never ask for the letter. It's just more of a protection just in case the other parent wants to start some trouble. FI and I have traveled several times with his boys and have never been asked for the letter. We always had one but never had to use it. But the boys have the same last name as him so that might make a difference if your daughter has his last name and not yours. Also if you already got her passport that will help a lot as well. Maybe just bring a copy of her birth certificate showing that you're her mother.

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I am so sorry you are going through this. It is a shame that he is putting your daughter in the middle of it.


While it is not much of a bright spot, and probably only a really tiny one right now, at least she will be too young to remember this.


I hope it works out in the end.


Along with some of the points the others have made, my mom and I took my cousin with us on a vacation out of the country and she has a different last name, and while we had a letter from my aunt. We were never asked for it. But she was older.

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Thanks Ladies,


Yes I do have her passport and I do have the long form birth certificate that has my name on it along with his name. My travel agent told me just to go and bring those with me and everything should be ok.

Today Anthony tells me that he doesn't want to fight and that he would give me the letter.. What the hell am I supposed to believe now?! I can't believe he can be so selfish and wishy-washy with our daughters life! I mean.. just cuz he is pissed at me.. for what I have no idea.. doesn't mean London should suffer because of it.

He was the one who called off the wedding and has done all these horrible things.. What does he have to be mad about??

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My sister's ex-husband is Canadian and when he left them, he moved back to Canada. So when my niece and nephew go to visit him, they have a letter as well. I am not sure that they ever had to use it, but we also needed a letter from him to take them to JA for my wedding. Again, I am not sure that they used it. But I would do what I could to be prepared, b/c getting to a border and encountering a problem would really suck.


I think Anthony is just bitter and trying to lash out. I am so sorry that you are going thru this.


What if you went to an attorney to get something drawn up about how you have full custody? I don't know anything abuot the law really, but calling a lawyer might not be a bad idea to find out what you can do.

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I am so sorry that you have to deal with this on top of everything else.

I think the letter depends on where you are travelling to. I have also heard that most people have their troubles when entering back into Canada. I have had to look into this for our weddding, here is some info I found:Safety and Security - Admissibility

Like I said, it sometimes depends on where you are travelling to, so we also looked at this site but specific to our destination, Voyage.gc.ca - Essential Information for Canadians Abroad | Information essentielle aux Canadiens à l'étranger

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I think he is being spiteful and does not want to see you doing "you" when he feels you should be miserable. I think you will be okay, you have London's passport and as they rarely ask for the documentation --think you should be okay. Hopefully he will come around and if he does, move quickly on taking the letter!

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You've got her passport and birth certificate you should be fine. Not sure about Canada but in the UK fathers who are not married to mothers have no parental responsibility so basically no say in anything unless they apply to the courts for it. Check it out you may be surprised and then you can tell him to go shove it selfish get

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