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Custom Linen Suits $99!

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Hi Kat2012, 


Sorry if this has been asked before of you but what color did you choose for the suits? The color you used is exactly what I want for my FI. I am afraid of ordering a color with out seeing it first and it coming out too yellow.


Thank you, 


Originally Posted by kat2012 View Post

You looked so beautiful and guys in the suits and girls!!!

Great colour choice, I love it!



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Hi Ladies,


I just wanted to post and let everyone know that the suits we ordered look so good on our wedding day. Studiosuits was so quick when we ordered things and when we put our last order in we asked for it within 4 weeks and received it in 2! I highly recommend using them. Here are some pics!


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Great photos!! His white suit totally matches your dress!!

Originally Posted by CDNCouple09 View Post

Hi Ladies,


I just wanted to post and let everyone know that the suits we ordered look so good on our wedding day. Studiosuits was so quick when we ordered things and when we put our last order in we asked for it within 4 weeks and received it in 2! I highly recommend using them. Here are some pics!



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we got Tropical English Beige Linen color. It was perfect colour for us. I was afraid to get him white suit, because  my dress could look yellow compared to him, since my dress was Diamond White.


Originally Posted by mdcoug View Post

Hi Kat2012, 


Sorry if this has been asked before of you but what color did you choose for the suits? The color you used is exactly what I want for my FI. I am afraid of ordering a color with out seeing it first and it coming out too yellow.


Thank you, 




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