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Excellence Punta Cana Brides Thread

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Hello, it is not that much to get married legally in DR. It's $250 if you have never been married before. And then when you get your certificate, its $75 more to have it translated. I am going through a company called WEDO. Those are the prices from there. They have a great reputation and many brides in this community have used them. I hear other companies charge a lot more for the same thing. We are doing it legally even though we are getting married on Sunday and they do not perform legal ceremonies that day. So we are just signing the paperwork the night before on Saturday. If its possible to do that, I prefer it, so I don't feel like I've been married some time before the wedding. I was contemplating doing it when we returned home, but we wanted to know that we were married on our 3 week honeymoon lol. Besides, a lot of guests would probably be insulted if we waited till we got back. Hope I was able to help!

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hello girls


After weeks and weeks of seaching, I think we finally decided on Excellence. I just emailed the coordinator so hopefully my date is available, looking for April 23 2010. I am so excited, Excellence looks amazing. From the website, it says there is a gazebo to get married at, do you know how manay people it accomodates? We are looking at 60-80 people. thanks, all information is helpful and appreciated.




ps: I cant open the documents either, not enough pointssad.gif So any info is great

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Hi Nicole! If you want to email me, I can send you a bunch of information from Excellence. You won't believe this but I'm getting married there on April 23, 2011!!!! How weird is that?! My email address is [email protected]. I've done tons of research so far and have lots of information from the wedding coordinators. I'll be happy to help in anyway I can.



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