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I need help picking a wedding location!!!

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So I am having a bit of a problem with a location. Originally my FI and I had decided to get married in Cabo San Lucas. I have had so many concerns from family and friends regarding the safety issues in Mexico right now. I feel guilty because I don't want people thinking that they want to come to our wedding but are worried for their safety.

So.......I began looking for locations in Jamaica. I like the Riu chains. Also, I really want to get married on the beach and, if possible, have the reception on the beach. Can someone help mehuh.gifhuh.gif

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I honestly think you should do what it is that you and FI want, not your family and friends. This is easier said than done because I feel like I'd be the same way but, it is your wedding and if you want to be married in Cabo, I say do it. Anywhere in the world has the potential to be dangerous!! The people that really want to be there will be there ....regardless of location.

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I say the same thing! It's YOUR day so do what YOU want. My FI and I had been planning an 'at home' wedding, but because of the economy have decided to do a DW instead. Lately all I have been hearing from family and friends is how upset they are that we are going away (b/c of the cost to go away) and how 'disappointed' some of my family members are b/c they won't be able to see us get married. All that I can say is in the end "I" don't want to be disappointed with my wedding day, so I'm doing it MY way!!!

If it's important for someone to see you get married it shouldn't matter where you are as long as your all together. If they have a problem with Cabo I would just say "see you when we get back then". Enjoy YOUR day....and do it YOUR way!!!

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I agree with what everyone else is saying. I picked Jamaica because I fell in love with the people, culture and everything about it. And everyday I find myself having to explain myself to others why I picked Jamaica and not getting married here or somewhere else that fit into THEIR budget. Well in the end I always say, FI and I are beach people and we love the place we pick. If you can join us great! Honestly I would love alot of people there but in the end all I really care about is getting married where I have always dreamed about.

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I completely agree and I just needed to hear that I need to do it MY way. We are planning an AHR for later on so I think it will be fine. I just have a big family that wants me to do it their way or no way so it's frustrating. I just need to keep strong and remember it's my wedding and if they don't like it.....too bad!!!! Thanks girls for all of the great advice.


By the way, it is much cheaper to have a DW!!! My FI and I figure we could get married and have our honeymoon at the same time. Saves money and it's in the location we want to get married at!!!

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Oh I'm so glad that there are other ladies going through this! My FI and I didn't want to spend the HUGE amount of money that would have come along with a wedding at home so we decided on a DW.


sjfreimark, we too had initally thought Mexico, but then we got the push back from some of the family. We weren't ever totally sold on Mexico so didn't really mind looking at different options. Turns out that we wound up finding a place that we love and can't wait to go. But I do think that in the end the most important thing is that YOU and your FI have to do what is best for you. Afterall, it is YOUR wedding day not anyone elses.

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No one has said too much other than why go to Mexico in July when it's summer here. No one has mentioned the safety issue but if they did, I'd give the same answer .... anywhere could be dangerous!! Do what you want because in the end, that is what matters.

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I too am facing the same situation with my large family. I am the 'baby' of nine and had lots of guilt about asking my immediate family to attend my wedding in Jamaica. Especially in this economy. Somedays I still wonder if I am asking too much of them. But, this is what I want and I don't think I will have any regrets. Also, they are not obligated to come. Yes, it would be nice it they did but I can always have a small get-together at home sometime after the wedding.

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Everyone is definitely correct. At the end of the day you want to be happy with your choice and Jamaica is a little more expensive, which is a lot to ask of your family. All I can suggest is that if you want to have it in Jamaica that the ROR is perfect. We had our wedding there and it was fantastic. If you decide to go there we did a few things to cut down our costs that might be helpful. Here is a link to some of the pics..... Charlene Connors's Photos - Wedding | Facebook

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