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Who should walk me down the isle???

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As of right now I have noone walking me down the aisle because I'm in the same boat and have 2 dads to think about. I wanted both to walk me down but my stepdad refuses to walk down with my dad. To be fair he's been in my life since I was little and he's raised me even though my dad has been in my life the whole time. So he feels it's his right and while I agree I don't want to hurt my real dads feelings either. However not having anyone has hurt feelings too. Other option was to have my brothers walk me down but that also hurt my dads feelings too. I'm in a no win situation. Since the only one that will be helping us out moneywise will be my stepdad I'm leaning towards having him walk me down and just deal with the fall out after. I think it's the least I can do for someone that has sacrificed lots to raise me and my siblings.


So you aren't alone in your situation at all. I think if your mom is ok with walking you down you should ask her. She's your parent too and I don't think anyone could be upset with you wanting her by your side. In the end though do what YOU want and do what will make YOU happy. As the bride that's really all we can do for our own weddings, right?

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I don't think you should feel wierd at all! Have you talked to either dad to see? Ultimately it is totally up to you - I think it would be awesome to have your mom walk you down, and I think it would be totally cool to have both your dad's too. Either way, Good Luck and let us know!

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I have some problems with this decision myself. Do you have a brother? I am thinking of having my brother walk me. Otherwise my advise is to do what you want and only what you want. If you want both to walk you down the aisle then you should have both. Its your day after all and they should be adult enough to understand that and want to make you happy. Good luck and I hope your decision comes easier for you.

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I have the same situation and have been stressed about this since I was a little girl! My sister and I finally came up with a great solution last week. My parents got divorced when I was 3 and my dad was in and out of my life growing up. He was around most of the time, but never knew how to relate to my sister and I growing up. He became close with us once we went to college and became adults. My mom got remarried when I was 11 and my stepdad is the one I consider more of a father to me. Both are contributing financially, so I always thought it would be easiest for them both to walk me down the aisle, one on each side. Until last week... the new plan (which they both agreed to) is to have my dad and stepmom walk me down halfway, then pass me off to my mom and stepdad who will be waiting halfway down the aisle. They will then walk me the rest of the way. It kind of mirrors my life in that my dad was there first then my stepdad came into my life. They both bought it, and I am SOOOOOO relieved! Good luck whatever you decide!

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I was in a similiar situation, where my stepdad had been a part of my life forever and I wasn't very close with my dad. Since my dad suprisingly decided to fly to Jamaica no questions asked, I just couldn't leave him out. So, I had my real dad walk me down the hill to the start of the aisle where my stepdad was waiting. My dad kissed my cheek and handed me off, and walk around the back of the seats to sit down. My stepdad walked me down the aisle and gave me away with my mom and dad sitting in the front row. The officiant didn't even ask "who gives this bride"...so that worked out well too (I think it may be a Jamaica thing not to ask..not sure) This worked out perfectly and I think it really made everyone happy. Good Luck!!

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That is exactly what I am going to do ACA Amy!!! I was so stressed about what I was going to do about my dad and my step-dad. I feel it would look funny too because my step-dad is over 6 feet tall and my dad is only like 5'10' plus I just don't want any ackwardness. So I thought about the idea of one walking me halfway down and then the other walking me the rest of the way. I'm with ya!!!

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