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Who should walk me down the isle???

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Alright so this has been the HARDEST decision of my wedding so far. My parents got a divorce when I was 5 and Im pretty sure it was a really bitter divorce because we moved from Ontario to Alberta and I didnt talk to or visit my dad at all. When I was 17 I decided I wanted to get in touch with him and have been talking to/visiting him ever since(it has been good but still a little awkward because I didn't know him most of my life) As well my mom re married when I was 8 so I have had a step dad since then who I get along with. Originally I was going to eliminate this problem by having my grandpa walk me down the isle but he passed away right before we got engaged. So now I'm thinking the only way to do this without hurting someone is to have both of them walk me down the isle. Is this weirdhuh.gif What are your thoughts?

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I don't even speak to my dad so I too have thought a lot about who's going to walk me down the aisle:


-Stepfather passed away 3.5 years agp, so that is not an option.

-Grandfather passed away two years ago, so that was eliminated.

-My mom and I don't always get along really well, but still she has always been my mom. I originally thought she would, but she seemed weirded out by that. Her suggestion:

-My 12 year old brother. This is okay, and the idea is growing on me.


With all of that said, you have to do what you are most comfortable with. Now that I've said out loud so much that my brother will be walking me down the aisle, I feel better about it. I can't imagine doing it any other way. I think your mom would be a great person if she's been the one remaining consistency in your life; but I know mine didn't think it was a great idea. Again, we don't really always get along so that may be why. I think it's okay for you to have them both walk you down the aisle. It's your day, so do what makes you happiest and will give you the best memory. Good luck!

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If you consider both to be your father then have them both do it. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Are you worried one would be offended if you chose the other? It's your wedding, have whoever you want walk you down the isle. Don't worry about anyone else, do what you feel is right for you.

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I think it's fine as long as you are ok with it, the question is how will they feel about it. Your father may say he thinks your step-dad should do it or vice versa and then that makes the decision easier for you. You have to go after what you really want but keep in mind you are asking another person to do something and how they may respond to your request.

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Ya I guess I am kind of worried about hurting one of their feelings. I like the idea of my mom because were really close but my dad hasn't even been on a plane in his life so him coming to Jamaica is a big deal and I know he really want's to be a part of it...Lots of thinking to do I guess...I'll probably ask my mom what she thinks.

Thanks for all the advice :)

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