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is this rude of fi or is it me?

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i want to see what you guys think, b/c maybe im just a b*tch. mind you, this has happened a few times.


today i asked fi to take out chicken when he stopped home for lunch. he said ok and asked if we were making wraps for dinner. sometimes i'll season chicken up and cut them up and we make chicken wraps, he could live off them but i get sick of them. i also didnt have that in mind for tonight. so i said no, i was planning on making chicken and rice or something with some sides. well he texts me back and says "ok i will have a wrap". .. ummm really? is it me or is that rude to expect me to make two different meals? he has done this before & sometimes i just do it cuz i dont mind and sometimes i tell him to kiss my ass that im not a chef working at a restaurant- eat what i make or make it ya damn self.


its like, does he think im going to make him and my kids (when we have kids that is) all diff meals b/c they dont want what i make?? kwim??


does anyone ever deal with this? i think its rude and not sure how to tell him nicely.

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if paul said that and seriosuly expected me to do that, i'd be pretty miffed. but he wouldn't dare! lol was he serious, or joking? paul might say that as a joke, but never seriously. he already knows i don't plan on catering to our kids' eating whims by making multiple meals - that's not how i grew up and won't do it for my kids. however, that is how he grew up! his mom still does stuff like that for her grown kids. if i plan on making a meal, that's what you're eating - or you're on your own!


so to answer your question - YES, in my opinion, that's very rude. i'd respond to him by letting him know that he can make his own dinner if he doesn't want what you're making. grrrr

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jac i would tell joe to shove it! wink.gif


idk, every once in a while i will make myself something different than doug and the kids because they could eat chicken/rice/sweet baby ray's bbq sauce/corn every single dinner if i let them, but i get so sick of it!


i think if joe wants the same thing, then HE should make it himself. unless its really not the trouble, just that it annoys you. tell him you'd rather not make 2 different things and that he is more than welcome to make it himself.

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Yeah, I agree with you. You are not a short order cook. You shouldn't have to make two different meals. Maybe just tell him that y'all are having chicken and rice tonight and the wraps (fill in the blank with a day) night. That sounds fair to me. Just let him know that you had already planned to make chicken and rice =) By the way, both items sounds really good.

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guess I'm a bitch too because I would tell him to make his own fricken supper! It can definetly become a habit and then it can become time consuming for you. I'm sure the last thing you want to do at the end of a long day at work is to spend 2 hours making 5 different meals!


I do this every night anyway because I don't eat a lot of pasta or rice, I'm more of a veggie person so I end up making veggies for myself and pasta/rice/potatos for the FI.

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Jac i deal with this all the time. my dh think he has to be "in the mood" in order to eat something. Finally i just say to him this is what's for dinner take it or leave it. If i'm in a good mood i'll say to him i'm making chicken do you want sweet and sour chicken or texas ranch chicken. this way he kinda feels like he has a choice.



I would either explain to him that's its a pita to make 2 different things for dinner. Or tell him that you'll make wraps on another day. i do that too with my dh. it seems to work out good that way.

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I used to have this issue and then when Joe started asking about what we were eating, I would just say whatever i'm making! and not really tellhim cause then he would come up w/ something else. i would really just tell him straight up. Sometimes we try too hard to be nice and don't ever really get the point across. You don't have to be mean or bitchy just explain that when you make dinner that thats what you're eating. you're not going to spend your whole life making a different meal for each person in the family.

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hahahu u guys are great, thx for the quick reply's.


yes i thought it was rude too! i swear its cuz he's a moma's boy and she does everything for him. LOVEEE her though, that wasnt a stab at her.


if he ever does this its not a completely diff meal, he wont expect me to make him pasta if i have a pork roast in or something. since im making chicken it can be cut up into pieces and made into a wrap. BUT i still think thats rude. he is lucky im making dinner that f'er.

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Jac I agree with everyone else. Sometimes if FI and I feel like different things for dinner, we each make our own. I'd never make mine and then make his too. If I were you I'd just respond "OK if you want a wrap, that's cool, you can make that and I'll do mine with rice" or something. That way you aren't coming off bitchy but you are still letting him know that you aren't making 2 meals!

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Here was my response to Jackee earlier:


"Hahahaaaa, I find this so comical b/c I don’t cook dinner! At all! Matt is the cook in our house. I might cook like once a month and that’s only if it’s tacos or white chicken chili. But IF I did cook and he pulled that shit, he’d get himself stabbed."

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