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Teenage Boy OOT Bag Items???

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Hi Everyone,


We are doing simple OOT bags for our guests and have 1 teenage boy age 14 joining us. Does anyone have any suggestions for items for his OOT bag? We are kinda at a loss.........




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We are trying to keep them small with gifts and a few items that might come in handy during the trip. Right now in the others we have disposable underwater cameras (love that idea!), photo albums, insulated mugs, luggage tags, cards, frisbee, passport cover and a coin purse to hold the room key. We are also making up bags with immodium, pepto bismol, suntan lotion ect, but since hes not of age we just werent sure what to add. Doubt he will want an insulated mug or a photo album.



I like the idea of food though, and the maxim!!! hahah Going to add on the shower gel, football and towel for him! Thanks :)

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I was planning on doing just the parents OOT bag, but I think I may include one in the room for the boys (14-15yr). I was thinking of adding some power drinks since I see many teen boys drinking them, but the parents may not appreciate caffeinated-sugared boys running around.


I was planning on regular disposable camers, but I really like the underwater camera idea. I know I use one everytime we're on a beach vacation. Maybe we'll include both in the boys bags in lieu of other items they wouldn't want.

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This is a hard one- but here is I would get for younger guys.... how about those handheld electronic games - you can find them at the dollar general or online cheap, gigantic water guns (ok, so they dont' fit in the bag but it's cool), I would also think about a metal detector if you are on a beach. My little sisters had one of these and they had a blast with it. Then of course there are the standards, sunscreen, cool hats, sunglasses (maybe if you do fewer things for these guys you could spend a bit more on these items cause at 14 it's all about the brands), car magazines / books etc. Definitely a football or two for the beach, money for the resort (every kid loves more money even if mom and dad gave them some) , etc. I think there are a lot of fun things you could get the younger guys - just go browse walmart toy and sport areas - you will find tons of ideas.

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We are giving all of our guests OTT bags and we are also giving one to our 12 year old son. Here are a few of the extra things that I have included in his OTT bag, some are alittle expensive- Beach Ball, underwater camera, Video Game magazine, glow sticks (Michael's for $1.00), sports water bottle, itunes gift card, candy/gum (I will pick up there), water balloons, and a small coin purse/bag full of quarters.

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I think the ideas listed so far are great. My brother is 15 and absolutely loves video games and cars (he actually buys cheap, broken down cars, repairs them and then sells them just because he enjoys working on them). For him I am thinking car magazine(s), the little bag or something with quarters in it, and definately the snacks. I think the key is to figure out what the kids/teens enjoy and use that for ideas. Example, my other brother who recently turned 18, is pretty different and loves sports so for him it will probably be a sports magazine, maybe a football or something along those lines.

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