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Exercise/Diet ROLL-CALL!


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Aww Kash, sorry you don't feel good- get better soon!


Friday info:

This day was a washout on the diet, but a good day for exercise!


Breakfast (9am): 1 cup oatmeal with 2 tsp Splenda borwn sugar and skim milk

Snack (1pm): 2 pieces Baklava (I'm REALLY wishing Jeff's sister hadn't brought us this, it just sits in the kitchen and taunts me!)

Lunch (7pm): Yoplait light yogurt

Snack (11pm): 10 graham cracker sticks with a small scoop of pumpkin fluff dip (very lo-cal and tasty- one of the girls at work made it with pumpkin pie filling, fat free cool whip and sugar free jello)

Dinner (1am): 2 fried tostadas with all the toppings (yup, that includes sour cream and cheese). One of my coworkers makes the best homemade tostadas!

Snack (6am): 20 tater tots


Exercise: Tao Bo Boot camp, 40 minutes (4pm), then later at work we were Sooooo bored at about 3 am and decided to work off some of our bad food. I got two of my coworkers to speed walk around the unit with me and do lunges down the long hallway for 30 minutes, then to finish off we ran 3 flights of stairs, down and back up.

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Sarah, good for you... I love the fact that you have co-workers in with you, it helps keep you motivated.


Today, well I sucked again,, I think this no "alone" time with my FI is starting to affect me BAD.. Chocolate is my subsitute, and I had it for two days in a row now. Yesterday was two Choc. chip cookies and icecream and today was a piece of Choc cake. I really need to channel this to something else..


Today I ate:


Breakfast: 3 eggs and a piece of wheat toast

Lunch: Boneless chicken strips from BW3

Dinner: left over Pasta and 2 meat balls

Desert: Small piece of cake. Mmmm it was SOOO good..


NO workout, I had planned to but was busy running around (found my shoes and purse for wedding) then did an interview for a potential couple interested in adopting a dog from our rescue group.


Hmmm,, I guess I'm pretty good with excuses huh? :-( I'll shoot for tomorrow...

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OK, well this is Monday & I don't think I've reported since Thursday. Friday was a good day food wise - can't remember everything, but I'm sure it was very similar to the other weekdays.


Saturday went to the farmers market & got some wonderful fresh organic veggies & some fresh caught halibut. Pretty much just snacked lightly during the day (chips & salsa, fruit). Wonderful dinner - sauted leeks, steamed halibut, steamed rice w/mushrooms. And yes, I had a big glass of wine!


Sunday - good excercise day, poor food intake sad.gif I power walked 3 miles in the park & neighborhoods around our house, did lunges & squats. 2 eggs & toast for breakfast; lunch came late - we went to watch some live music down in Big Sur...started w/a bloody mary :) I had some calamar, some avocado & crab dip, and my entree was a bagel w/lox & all the fixings. I had like 2 more cocktails while we were there too. It was such a beautiful day & great scene, it just seemed right!

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This is a great idea!!


I have been so busy I haven't worked out in 2 weeks and I have fallen off my diet. The result is 4 lbs!!!!


So today I plan to go straight to the gym and do 20 min of cardio and then some squats and push ups.


Push ups are great for that "arm pit" fat and the back of the arms.


I have been trying to do pushups every morning and night. Do as many as you can and do the same amount again that evening. If you start out doing 8 in the morning and 8 in the evening, that is 16 per day X 7 = 112 a week! Then, the following week, bump it up to 10. It only takes maybe a minute out of your life, so we can't complain about time :)


When I was first trying to lose weight, my trainer said to do cardio for 45 minutes at least 3 times a week. He would say, if you can talk, you're not working hard enough.


He also put me on a 1200 calorie a day diet, but Weight Watchers was very similar, and easier!

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Ok, so I haven't posted since Friday. I worked all weekend and that always screws things up.

Let's just paraphrase it all and say that Saturday was a good workout day, I did 40 minutes of Tae Bo boot camp even though I was so sore from all the lunges I did Friday night that I could barely move. I had a couple more pieces of the baklava (damn people who give food gifts!) and ate reasonably during the night at work,


Sunday I couldn't hardly get out of bed I was so sore, so there was no workout. We went out to dinner where I had a chicken chimichanga and chips with cheese dip. We always go out to dinner on Sundays, so I just need to make better choices next time. At work last night I ate a handful of trail mix & a handful of chips (total of 350 calories). So I ate terrible then starved myself the rest of the night- I know, it was bad, but I had a scary night with someone having a bad labor and their baby was doing poorly so I was always in the room and didn't have time to eat.


Right now I am sitting at my computer eating my breakfast of Jelly Bellies because I'm stressing about room blocks and reservations for Jeff's family.

Tomorrow will be better...btw, I'm going dress shopping tomorrow! I'll let you all know how it goes :)

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K, yesterday i ate pretty good and did 30 minutes on stairmaster and 15 minutes running on the treadmill. My knee felt screwy yesterday so i didnt lift weights at all.



bfast-oatmeal and coffee


lunch smartones meal for better portions (i tend to eat too much at work because its always super busy)


snack-sugar free jello


protein shake pre-work out


dinner-chicken and probably salad

tonight cardio 45minutes and hopefully weights

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Originally Posted by TOESNTHESND View Post
K, yesterday i ate pretty good and did 30 minutes on stairmaster and 15 minutes running on the treadmill. My knee felt screwy yesterday so i didnt lift weights at all.

tonight cardio 45minutes and hopefully weights
Nice job! I hope your knee feels better so you can get back to your weights soon!
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