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Sand Pails as OOT bags!?

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So I found plastic sand pails at the dollar store. I am thinking about using these as my OOT bags. I can even make stickers to "Brand" them and tehn fill them with all kinds of fun stuff...By the way the dollar store also has cheep flip flops, hand sanitizer, beach balls, and playing cards. You can even shop them online now.

Obviously they will be a little bulky for travel, but we will figure it out. What do you think about this idea?

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I don't mean to be a downer, but will they be practical?? I think the OOT bags are great because people can use them again (and they are easy to transport). But if you are not concerned with that then go for it!! They will definitely be very cute!!!

Sorry, but I'm just offering my opinion blush2.gif

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So far it looks like about 30 guests. We are still about a year out, so no one is really "booked" yet. I figure the pails will either get tossed or given away, but most wedding favors get tossed after the wedding anyway. The pail is only a buck and I figure its what you put IN them that counts. Plus if anyone wants to make a sand castle they will have what they need, Right?!

We are still throwing around ideas. One being a beach bag for the ladies (you know cause all the men like to put their junk in the bag that WE are carrying anyway haha), and the sand pail for the boys. Still open to other ideas though.

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