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Wedding is off.. Moved back home..

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Awww, this totally blows! I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I agree with what Tammy B...sounds like he had cold feet, but now it's up to you to step back and to see what you want/feel. Don't let anyone else make the decision for you. Listen to your gut. Sending big hugs your way!

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wow what a huge life changing thing for you. I am sure that your family wants what is best for you and London and I have to admit that when I first started reading your story and you mentioned that he said he was sorry and wanted you both back I had a little twinge in my heart. I would hate for you to go back without really thinking it through. I know moving home to your parents was not your first choice, but why not take some time to sort things out and take things with your FI slowly. I would recommend getting professional couples counseling. He clearly has some things he needs to work through.

As a mom you have to think about what is best for not only you but your daughter and of course having her dad in her life is really important but you and her dad having a healthy relationship (dating, married or just co-parenting) is the most important thing.


Overall, I wish you the best of luck and please feel free to use BDW as your sounding board. You have a huge community of women many of whom have been through incredibly difficult life choices. We are all here for you!

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I am so sorry you are going through this.

DH and I had a few rough patches before we got married, but we worked through them. I'm not sure if you want to work through them, but I agree with Christine - maybe counselling will help. I know it's going to be a lot harder now to work on it since you are both in different provinces, but it can be done if that is what you want.

I also know that it is going to be a lot harder since everyone knows you are having trouble. But in an earlier thread someone said that you have to forget about them & do whats best for you & your daughter.

I wish you all the best in whatever you decide and know that we are always here for you! Oh...and if you are near Kitchener, ON let me know & we can meet up.



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I am so incredibly sorry that this happened to you! that's terrible and I can't believe that someone who loves you unconditionally would do that to you. Keep focused on yourself and your daughter. You guys are family and deserve to be happy. ***lots of huggs***

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Oh gosh, I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

Calling off a wedding is not easy.. I've been there. I wish you the best and hopefully this situation will either allow you guys to prevent more pain going forward.. or allow you to take a closer look at your relationship and make things even better going forward.


Hang in there and we're here whenever you need to vent!

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I'm so sorry you are dealing with all this Cindy! My heart is going out to you right now, I know you have some tough decisions to make. I think counseling sounds like the best idea right now, take it slow, and just take care of YOU and that beautiful little girl you share. I will be thinking about you sweetie, PM me if you need anything..........hugs


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