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Wedding is off.. Moved back home..

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everyone is behind you here... i hope things turn out for the better for you and I will be thinking about you in this time!


I really agree with carly when she said that "EVERYONE fights, it's how they make-up that matters."... and im hoping that this will somehow make you stronger in the future with or with out your fiance/exfiance


hang in there {hug}

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I totally agree with what the other girls said and its probably cold feet. I would say starting about 2 months before our wedding my DH and I argued A LOT and I realised it was all my doing because I had cold feet. As soon as I realised it I apologized and he understood my stress and worries and we talked it out. Everything was soo much better after that and we could not be happier as a couple and as parents.


I really think you need to talk to him and see what is going on in his head. I would hate for you to lose your relationship and your "little family" because of a misunderstanding and some cold feet, which are totally normal.


Keep us posted, I am wishing all the best for you and your daughter, my thoughts are with you.

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I had cold feet too before the wedding. We were buying a house and planning the wedding and I freaked out. Of course we don't know the whole story but go with what your heart tells you. It is going to be a hard process either way but know that we are all here for you!

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as you said, the full pic has not been painted but it sounds like it was just stress magnified and maybe action on both sides happened before you both had a chance to think things through? if there is a chance of reconciliation and that is what you want, given no "dealbreakers", take your time and do what is best for you and London. Wish you well.. Hugs

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I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. Everyone else has pretty much said what I want to say about the cold feet theory. Talk it out (only if you feel you want to) and see where it takes both of you next. Be strong for your daughter and I'm glad to hear you have a supportive family to help you through this. Good luck and we are all here to listen smile03.gif

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I am soo sorry that you are going through these very emotional times right now. I think you should take some time and think about what you really want and whats best for you and your daughter. Once you know what you want, you should talk to him and get clarity about whats going on. Everything will work out and everything happens for a reason! You will be in my prayers smile03.gif

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