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10 Ten things I hate about grocery shopping these days…

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smile03.gif lol, no it didn't seem like you were rude! I'm not a mom, so I don't know what its like... but (I think) I can tell the difference between a mom who doesn't seem to care to give any attention to her kid from a mom that looks like she doesn't know what to do with her screaming child! Big difference! I love mom's who feed their kids cookies! It really does seem to work, they get so involve with the cookie and are so focused on it! My mom use to do it too... a few times she had people (like other customers, not employees!) tell her that she shouldn't be feeding a kid a cookie she hadn't paid for - like she was stealing it! Whatever, it's not like she's gonna put the box back!
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that was really cute I get annoyed at stupid people in general, these are all the reasons I don't go to walmart anymore, because for some reason there is a higher percentage of people there who do this annoying sh** there, no offense to walmart people.

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lol Christine, it's true - there are a lot of Walmart people out there like that! I also hate it when I'm at the mall (which is rare for me, the mall drives me up the freakin' wall!) and there is a group of people and they all walk side-by-side in a line so they block the entire walkway and you either walk incredibly slow behind them or you try to get by them... you say excuse me, but they and if you try to scoot by them they give you a funny look if you bump into them. Omg, I just want to push them off to the side. Sometimes I mumble something about getting out of the way - that's mostly on my grumpy days lol.

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I solved these problems. I send Everton grocery shopping. I hate grocery shopping, I plan our meal plans, I make the list, I will put it away, but I will not do the shopping. Everton doesn't mind so it works out well for us. We shop for 5 kids imagine our cart every week, it's crazy.


In regards to children calling mom, mommy, mommy, if you don't have kids you clearly have no idea, how many times a day we hear this. Sometimes we need to tune all out to regain our sanity, doesn't make us neglectful mothers, and to be honest I don't care about the sanity of random strangers around us. LOL Honest to god, there is not one silent moment in my entire day.


Laura, when I was a new mom I was fairly young (19) I cared so much about how I appeared as a mom to everyone, including strangers. I wanted to be the perfect mom, with the perfect kid. Well that doesn't exist! Who cares what others think, we know were good mom's. ( I kick ass at the whole mom thing), I know it, my kids know it and at the end of the day thats all that matters. I wish I had learned that earlier, I would have been a more relaxed mom. Enjoy your son, temper tantrums and everything.hissyfit.gif



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