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Guests scared to go to Mexico?

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So, if I go out to a club in a super mini skirt, and a bikini top (which is so not me, but lets just pretend for a moment!) I'd get "what I ask for" if I got raped?! It's my own right to walk around like this, and no one has the right to so much as grab my ass when they're walking by! I don't care who you are, the way I dress isn't an invitation for rape! I'm sorry if I seem angry at you, I'm not... I hear people say this often. I get what you're saying, and I understand your point... girls that dress like this definately do get more "attention", and it seems to make it more likely that some pervert is going to hit on them - and ya, they should expect that, but they shouldn't expect rape! I honestly hear people say this all the time and every single time it makes me pretty angry because while they're dressing like sluts and they seem to be pretty permiscious, it doesn't mean they're "asking for it". Sorry... touchy subject! But I always like a good "debate!" wink.gif

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I know, it is a good debate and I surely don't want you mad at me. And really "asking for it" was referred to asking for inappropriate attention... not necessarily rape. I probably was quite unclear on that.

And I think wearing an outfit like that makes you look hot. That's why anyone wears something like that. And if you want to look hot, obviously you want attention from someone... even if it's just a "you look nice tonight sweetheart" from the love of your life. At least, that's what I go for. BUT, in the back of your mind you have to remember that there are horrible people out there. People who will not stop at a whistle or even a butt slap. And I think you have to weigh your options. Not saying that when going clubbing you can't wear a super cute outfit... I'm saying more if you are in a place that is completely unfamiliar to you and your group and you will be drinking or be by yourself at any point, it's probably not the best time to go out in a mini and a bikini top. And some people don’t think about that when they dress to impress. Sometimes you impress the wrong people and horrible and unimaginable things happen.

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
And some people donâ€t think about that when they dress to impress. Sometimes you impress the wrong people and horrible and unimaginable things happen.
That's very true. A lot of girls go out there dressed to impressed whomever will look, and they don't think about the consequences. They get drunk and their sense of reason is impaired and before you know it they've made a string of completely stupid mistakes - they're still not asking for anything! But, ya I do get what you're saying. :)
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I hear what you are saying as well. I don't think any woman would have the opinion of "they asked for it" I also know that I am treated differently when I go out depending on what I am wearing. I think it all boils down to the fact that a skantly clad woman should not be walking around by herself in Mexico or anywhere else for the matter. I think it is ok to wear what you want just don't ever be alone!! Like this guy in Mexico... how is it that no one saw anything? Why was he by himself? I know that when my guy and I travel we are never apart, and we always go back to the hotel at the same time. I just think it is so weird that the guy allegedly was beaten and no other tourist saw this. I just heard that he was declared brain dead. Soooo sad. How can someone be beaten that badly and not one single person saw it. All the resorts I have been to there have been people around all the time, all hours. I feel for his family.

Anyways, my thread has turned into a debate and I didn't mean for it to! I know sometimes when people are trying to make a point it comes out wrong in the typed word!!

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I think the thing that offends me more (in general from everyone who thinks this) is the implication that women should change the way they dress because of the percieved effect it has on women. How about changing the way men behave instead?


The other thing I want to point out is that the insinuation that women are drawing attention with their apparel that could put them in a rape situation isn't usually correct. The rape isn't about sex or desire--- it's about anger and control. The offender isn't raping because he thinks the girl is hot. He's usually attacking someone who is more likely to go unnoticed (sober and normally dressed).

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I'm too opinionated for this discussion so I'm forcing myself to refrain :o)


In terms of the safety, most resort towns are safe in Mexico. As someone said Mexico City is realllly dangerous for Americans/tourists in general right now. So is northern Baja. FI was supposed to have his bachelor party in Rosarito last month but cancelled it as a lot of Americans are being attacked/killed there. Something happened (maybe someone else remembers) but it had to with our FBI or DEA and one of their citizens, and there was a lot of anger towards the US and anyone representing us.


Also a few months back the Mexican military was sent to Tijuana to take the weapons away from their police because they were using them to abuse too many Mexicans and tourists. I don't know if they got them back yet. The times I've been to Puerto Vallarta there have always been masses of federales with machine guns walking the streets/riding in the back of trucks. I've always felt safe in their presence, but if I was breaking the laws there I would have been terrified...lol. Now in TJ the police have always scared the sh*t out of me. I've seen them rob tourists with my own eyes. I don't think anyone is marrying in TJ/Rosarito though...hehehe If you use common sense like you would at home all should be well. And I would like to add many Mexicans live in Mexico and are safe :o) So it's not like violence is prevalent everywhere, criminals take advantage of distracted people no matter where you are.

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